flintcode gaming 

There are different forms of entertainment that we all as individuals believe in. There is music, movies, wrestling etc. With time even the form of entertainment tends to evolve which is the sole result of man’s urge. Speaking of entertainment, since the time video games have come into existence we have accepted it with open arms. It is one of the most popular forms of entertainment that we all tend to enjoy.

The gaming industry may have started out small in the beginning but with time it has flourished and today, it stands as a billion dollar industry.

The gaming industry may seem to be very lucrative but however, it still has a lot of problems prevailing in it. Currently, the developers have to pay a lot of money to the centralized gaming platforms such as the Apple, steam, Google. These are the main platforms where their games are being promoted. In order to help this situation, the EON platform has come into existence.

The EON Protocol [EOT]

EON Protocol which was started off as the EON platform had a change of its name due to the similarity of its name with the other projects. Currently, the EON platform is known as the EON Protocol which makes use of the blockchain technology in order to take care of all the problems that prevail in the gaming industry. This particular platform was developed with the aim of providing the developers with the opportunity to earn a lot from their games. The platform was built with the vision of making it a one-stop platform for all the game developers out there. The EON Protocol is all about taking the gaming industry the next level with the help of the blockchain technology.

The platform already has more than 5 million users all across the globe. Other than that it also has a lot of functional decentralised games such as the Crypto-Alapaca and more. With the help of this platform, the entire gaming industry can be transformed for the good.

Important Things to Know About EON Protocol

Gaming is considered to be an essential way of generating revenue globally. Since the time the gaming industry has grown into a giant, it has been generating huge amounts of revenue all across the globe. But in spite of earning huge revenues, there are certain problems that still prevails in the gaming industry which are required to be solved. In order to deal with the problems of the gaming industry, EON Protocol was brought to life which is a decentralized platform based on the blockchain technology.

The project started off as EON which was later changed into EON Protocol due to the similarities found in its name with the other projects. It is a digital game distribution platform where gamers can play, share and discover new games. Other than that, the platform also seeks to solve the problems of the gaming industry.

Overview of Dgame

A decentralized game which is also known as Dgames is the main weapon of the EON Protocol. With the implementation of dgames in the gaming industry, EON Protocol expects the developers to learn new programming languages and blockchain technologies so that they can build games on public chains like Ethereum, EOS. The developers need to learn to support multiple cryptocurrencies and digital assets. The creation of dgames can be made much easier with the help of this platform.

Dgame 2.0


It is true that the blockchain technology is being led by the development of games but however, those early dgames are not that well designed. That’s because most of them are designed by engineers and not by game developers. In order to further push the boundaries of the dgames, CryptoAlpaca was developed which is a 2.0 dgame. This game was created with the aim of engaging the players for a long time. This particular game was launched in the year 2018 in the month of February and it has proved to be a great hit. The game has got over 200k registrations in less than 3 months after the launch of the game along with 50k paid users. In short, it can be said that dgames are developed so that more focus could be channelled on the gameplay rather than just promoting blockchain technologies.

EON Dgame Framework

The framework of the dgame is a layer 2 solution with on-chain and off-chain architecture. It is because of this reason that it can perform both the task of transferring and paying of digital assets and that with high speed and low cost. This is very much similar to that of Bitcoin’s Lightning Network and Ethereum’s Raiden Network. However, there are several improvements that have been made in this particular framework of Dgmaes which are not there in the other networks. It is low latency, secure, cross-chain, less costly, and has a privacy-concerned solution.

Unique Features of The EON Protocol

The salient features of the EON Protocol are as follows:

▪It allows the game developers to earn a lot of money from their games.

▪It provides a decentralized platform to the users.

▪It seeks to revolutionize the entire gaming industry.

▪The platform is based on the blockchain technology.

Token Economics

Here are the complete details of the EON Protocol token economics:

Ticker: EOT

Token Type: ERC 20

ICO Token Price: 1 EOT= 0.0280 USD (0.00004760 ETH)

Fundraising Goal: 15,000,000 USD (5,000,000 USD Raised)

Total Tokens: 2,100,000,000

Available For Token Sale: 30%


Thus, from the above discussion, it is clear that this particular platform has been solely established to bring a revolution in the entire gaming industry. With the help of the blockchain technology, the purpose of this platform can be fulfilled.



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Author: Cryptoflintcode


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