apel malang


Data verification is a process in which various types of data are checked for accuracy and inconsistencies after data migration is done. It helps to determine whether data is translated accurately when data is transferred from one source to another and supports processes within the new system. During verification, there may be the need to run both systems parallel to identify areas of disparity and prevent the loss of false data. Types of Data Verification are multiple data entry and proofreading.Proofreading data involves someone who checks the data entered on the original documents, it is also time consuming and expensive.

ENDO is a Protocol that solves the problem of tracking certified information and encrypted data storage. The Endo ecosystem allows organizations and users to participate in the exchange of information and services through Endo Token.All of these system applications have one goal to create a safe and certified environment for all important data .All personal, corporate and public information about education, identities, medical records and the like can be controlled via the Endo platform. https://endo.im/

Endo Protocols that use internal Blockchain technology and data readings and automatic document verification in house integration will help protect companies, institutions and individuals from fraud .ENDO will have a worldwide factual database of job history candidates from the organization's human resources department, essentially can act as an extension of HR. The ENDO platform will validate and verify newly recruited employee information to avoid fraud.

The solution offered by ENDO is an automated data verification service that allows to check the authenticity of brands, medicines and food manufacturers, documents, including passports, foreign passports, driver licenses, permanent photographs, work visas and virtually anything you think .ENDO is a great tool for checking international credentials, using multiple proven data sources and making it possible to verify client identity quickly, even on the basis of minimal information. On the one hand, ENDO automates the process and saves time and money and on the other hand allows to receive new customers, improve service quality, to avoid fraud and reduce the risk level.

Ecosystem consists of five layers associated 

-Blockchain + Storages 

information is stored in various repositories: Dropbox, Storj, Amazon, IPFs, FTP / SSH 


Specify rules for interaction ecosystems layer 


Implementing the decentralization logic verification, data exchange and circulation of tokens 

- Application 

-based Application platform developed for users and businesses 

-API The 

interface opens to create applications and automate business logic

The alpha version of the first ENDO-based application has been launched and successfully operates with some of Europe's largest construction, transport and shipping companies and universities. The basic functions available to clients include the creation and publication of documents in trial networks, procedural cancellations, distributed document submissions, uploads and allocation, as well as open Application Programming (API) interfaces and industry standard protocols for OAuth authorization to ensure an easy and secure way to publish and interact with secure data and integration with institutions.

EToken is an intra-platform utility token, EToken is the only currency that can be used to pay verification fees and data exchange between system users. If a user decides to store data on a third-party server or to store hashes in other Blockchain, the user pays by ET exchanged in other currencies.

Users need an ENDO Token to pay the organization for the services they provide through the platform.Then ENDO can be obtained through information sharing.Organizations can use ET to buy and sell data, available on the ENDO Platform.If the data sold is user data, then the user gets % of ET or opt-out, preferring not to allow for the exchange of their personal data.

If you are interested and want to participate with this project and purchase Token please visit LINK https://token.endo.im/login?utm_source=protocol_landing for making Wallet, while for further information you can join social media group to inquire directly with adminnya.

Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mR9BJBwFHX6spVL1u9LolkHSVpFEm3aZ/view

Facebook: https://fb.me/endoprotocol

Twitter: https://twitter.com/endo_protocol

Telegram: https://t.me / endo_en

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/endofication/

Blog: https://medium.com/@endo_protocol

Ann (bounty) BTT Threads: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic = 4193980.0

BTT Account: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1953438

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