Экстази rolls royce

Экстази rolls royce

Экстази rolls royce

Экстази rolls royce

Рады представить вашему вниманию магазин, который уже удивил своим качеством!

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Блог Концепты Студии Вехи Архив статей. Блог , Rolls-Royce , hood ornament. Запомнить меня на этом комьютере. Оповестить меня, когда кто-нибудь ответит на этот комментарий. О проекте Правовая информация. Блог , Rolls-Royce , hood ornament Rolls-Royce: Spirit of Ecstasy Дух экстаза Иллюстрации: Облицовку радиатора этих самых престижных в мире автомобилей украшает женская фигурка. Наклонившись чуть-чуть вперед, как бы сопротивляясь набегающему порыву ветра, она олицетворяет скорость и красоту. Фигурку изваял английский скульптор Чарльз Сайкс Charles Sykes в году. За столь продолжительное время фигурка неоднократно изменялась как по форме, так и по материалу изготовления и покрытию. Первоначально статуэтку отливали из баббита, позднее — из бронзы и других металлов с последующим покрытием никелем или хромом, по специальному заказу изготавливали из серебра и золота. Фигурка полируется вручную молотыми косточками черешни. На современных Rolls-Royce с целью предотвращения вандализма фигурка утапливается внутрь. To all intents and purposes, it was Lord Montague of Beaulieu — one of the first motor car aficionados in the United Kingdom — who in was the first person to mount a St. Christopher mascot on the radiator grille of his Daimler motor car. Queen Margherita of Italy had a St. Christopher mascot fitted to the radiator grille of her Itala in Less prominent motoring fans soon followed their example, starting an incredible boom for this popular accessory. These are the last representatives of more than 6,! Radiator mascots specific to a car marque were a rarity years ago. The car industry had little use for this kind of frippery and left the production of these flights of fancy to the accessory companies, with taste back then alternating between kitsch and art. The producers worked on the principle that nothing was impossible, and introduced all kinds of birds, lions, bulls, tigers or even snails as miniature mascots to top the radiator. Even gods, huntsmen, boxers or skiers were used. People would buy anything! In the United Kingdom and France, in particular, a large number of companies grew up specialising in the manufacture of radiator mascots. It was only a matter of time before professional advertisers got in on the act. From their point of view, the car radiator was the ideal location to carry small advertisements, because cars were still a rarity, and accordingly attracted attention. The advertising industry launched a range of radiator mascots — some more original than others — extolling the virtues of oil producers, lamp manufacturers, tyre companies, match producers and a large number of suppliers to car makers. But not every motorist was inclined to carry advertising for third party companies. The car makers, who had initially cold-shouldered this development, started to take a dim view of the whole affair. Rolls Royce in particular no longer intended to stand by and watch the head of the radiator on their luxury cars being desecrated by grotesque kitsch. The company commissioned the famous painter and sculptor, Charles Sykes, to create the silver lady that even today graces every Rolls Royce radiator.

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