Dunkirk Download

Dunkirk Download


Dunkirk Download


WWII. The enemy forces have cornered hundreds of thousands of British and French soldiers on the French coast at Dunkirk. A small number of primarily-French soldiers are guarding the perimeter, where the British and French soldiers are amassed, which is getting increasingly smaller as enemy forces advance. Most of those British and French soldiers are now on the beach waiting for destroyers to come and take them back to Britain. Each of the countries are taking care of their own. The British are leaving first and among those the wounded get first priority despite their taking up seven times the space of the able-bodied soldiers. An issue with Dunkirk is that there is only one dock the destroyers can access, which needs to be protected from the enemy bombs. As such, Churchill, newly elected, has put out a call for civilian watercraft to head to Dunkirk both to transport supplies and to transport soldiers from the beach to the destroyers or back to Britain if at all possible. Within this situation, four general stories are told. In one, Commander Bolton, the top British naval officer on the ground, knows deep in his heart that the soldiers are largely sitting ducks on the beach as the enemy planes fly over. He knows that the situation is a Catch-22 for the British in that they need to bring as many soldiers safely home as possible at the depletion of their military resources, which in turn they need to preserve for the day if, but more likely when, the enemies make their way onto British soil. In the second story, a squadron of three RAF spitfires are among those limited air resources that are embarking in dog fights with enemy planes, while protecting the soldiers on the ground. In the process, they have to ensure their own safety in order to provide what is needed for the ground soldiers, which includes knowing about things like fuel levels and having enough to make their way back to home base whenever required. In the third story, two soldiers meet on the beach, the two of them knowing that the longer they remain on the beach, the likelier they are not to survive this skirmish. As such, they try to do whatever they need to to make it onto one of those destroyers or any other watercraft making its way back to Britain. However, making it aboard a ship does not necessarily ensure their survival. And in the final story, Mr. Dawson, his young-adult son Peter and their 17-year-old friend George are on Dawson's pleasure craft making its way to Dunkirk to do their part in the war effort, all realizing the dangers involved. They have to decide at each step along the way if they will focus on personal problems or if they will continue on to assist in the war, as was their first priority when they left Britain.
Allied soldiers from Belgium, the British Empire and France are surrounded by the German Army, and evacuated during a fierce battle in World War II.
I am a huge WW2 movie buff and enjoy pretty much anything WW2 related. However, this movie was a letdown of epic proportions. Pearl Harbor set a low-bar for WW2 movies, but this movie was actually worse. At least Pearl Harbor had action, comedy, and character development, albiet cheesy. Dunkirk was reported to have a 150 million budget. How? Where did the 150 million go? It surely wasn&#39;t spent on actors. To buy positive reviews? That is the only plausible explanation. <br/><br/>The evacuation of Dunkirk was a major desperate battle involving over 400,000 British and French troops, thousands of planes, and hundreds of ships. This movie fails to capture the magnitude or scale of the battle. No historical or educational context is given other than brief exposition at the beginning and end. In total, we are shown only 5 planes, 3 British destroyers, and maybe a few thousands ground troops lined up on the beaches. The enemy is rarely seen and there are no fight scenes. 95% of the movie is British troops standing around moping on the beaches. The action scenes involve ships sinking and troops diving overboard. It is like Titanic on steroids. <br/><br/>The movie focuses on 3 ridiculous subplots that are not worthy of explanation. All characters are nameless and undeveloped. The ground troops are lead by a skinny coward who repeatedly tries to skip the line to escape. The armada of private boats that arrives towards the end involves maybe a dozen vessels. It looks like a small town boat parade festival. One of the faceless, nameless pilots is revealed at the end to be Tom Hardy. He makes a brief 15 second cameo with no dialogue before being captured by faceless enemy. <br/><br/>What the movie lacks in characters, dialogue, and action, it attempts to make up with constant eerie musical scores that are like running fingernails on a chalkboard. The music is supposed to create a suspenseful gloomy atmosphere, but becomes an annoyance and overshadows the conversations. Half of the dialogue is barely intelligible. I&#39;m American and I understand British is a different language practically, but that wasn&#39;t the problem. <br/><br/>The fact that the enemy is never shown is a huge disservice to this movie. It would have been interesting if they showed the perimeter battles and thousands of planes fighting in the skies. Instead all we hear are distant gunshots and a few occasional mortars. They could have shown the opposing forces and strategies of each side.
<ul><li>spoiler alerts!-</li></ul><br/><br/>I want to be very honest with you. I love Christopher Nolan&#39;s movies. His last movie was awesome, so I bought a special version of bluelay of the Interstellar. I would watch Memento over and over again. If I did not like his previous movies I would give him 3 starts for the Dunkirk. However, I do like his past movies, so I raised my rating from 3 to 7 stars.<br/><br/>2 hours and half long watching this movie, all I thought was why all the soldier look fleshly clean and not exhausted looking at all? Yes, they acted like exhausted, terrified and devastated but I could not feel anything from their acting. That thought kept bothering me for 2 hours after spectacular beginning scenes were over.<br/><br/>To me, all soldier seem like Abercrombie and Pitch models whom were dumped into salt water for 10 mins then poured some sand then put some murky mud oil makeup on their faces.<br/><br/>I could not really feel them being in an intense war evacuation scenes. Except for few, they all looked like they would suddenly get out of water and start doing model walk on a stage for some luxury fashion show.<br/><br/>The only explanation I have for why I had such impression was that every scenes were too perfect and beautiful. In addition, uniforms and clothing the soldiers and civilians wore looked like they were just delivered from a dry cleaning store. Commander Bolton particularly had sharply ironed uniform very sharp..... Thus, I might have not been able to put myself into serious war situation.<br/><br/>One of Few scenes I only like was the last part where the pilot barely landed his plane without crashing it. I just loved the whole scenes for no reason.<br/><br/>Maybe I expected too much from the Dunkirk....
There have been countless films this summer that have engaged in endless spectacle but Dunkirk is the rare blockbuster that will leave a bruise.
In particular, the evading of the German fighter seems to be directly based on Commander Lightoller&#39;s experiences. His oldest son was an RAF pilot killed in the early days of World War II. a5c7b9f00b

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