

Stephen King

the prognosticators hedged their bets, saying the snow could change over to rain, but the
fellow on the Castle Rock radio station that morning (WCAS was the only radio they could get up here, and even that was thin and jumbled with static) had been talking about a
fast-moving Alberta Clipper, six or eight inches, and maybe a nor’easter to follow, if the

temperatures stayed down and the low didn’t go out to sea. Jonesy didn’t know where McCarthy had gotten his weather forecasts, but it sure hadn’t been WCAS. The guy was
just mixed up, that was most likely it, and had every right to be.
“You know, I could put on some soup. How would that be, Mr McCarthy?’mcCarthy
smiled gratefully. “I think that would be pretty fine,” he said. “My stomach hurt last night

and something fierce this morning, but I feel better now.” “Stress,” Jonesy said. “I would
have been puking my guts. Probably filling my pants, as well.”
“I didn’t throw up,” McCarthy said. “I’m pretty sure I didn’t. But…” Another shake
of the head, it was like a nervous tic with him. “I don’t know. The way things are jumbled,
it’s like a nightmare I had.”
“The nightmare’s over,” Jonesy said. He felt a little foolish saying such a thing-a little

auntie-ish-but it was clear the guy needed reassurance.
“Good,” McCarthy said. “Thank you. And I
like some soup.”
“There’s tomato, chicken, and I think maybe a can of Chunky Sirloin. What do you
“Chicken,” McCarthy said. “My mother always said chicken soup was the thing
when you’re not feeling your best.”
He grinned as he said it, and Jonesy tried to keep the shock off his face. McCarthy’s

teeth were white and even, really too even to be anything but capped, even the man’s age,
which had to be forty-five or thereabouts. But at least four of them were missing-the canines on top (what Jonesy’s father had called “the vampire teeth”) and two right in front
on the bottom-Jonesy didn’t know what those were called. He knew one thing, though: McCarthy wasn’t aware they were gone. No one who knew about such gaps in the line of

his teeth could expose them so unselfconsciously, even under circumstances like these. Or
so Jonesy believed. He felt a sick little chill rush through his gut, a telephone call from nowhere. He turned toward the kitchen before McCarthy could see his face change and wonder what was wrong. Maybe
what was wrong.
“One order chicken soup coming right up. How about a grilled cheese to go with it?”

“If it’s no trouble. And call me Richard, will you? Or Rick, that’s even better. When
people save my life, I like to get on a first-name basis with them as soon as possible.”
“Rick it is, for sure,”
Better get those teeth fixed before you step in front of another
Jury, Rick
The feeling that something was wrong here was very strong. It was that click, just as almost guessing McCarthy’s name had been. He was a long way from wishing he’d shot

the man when he had the chance, but he was already starting to wish McCarthy had stayed
the hell away from his tree and out of his life.
He had the soup on the stove and was making the cheese sandwiches when the first

gust of wind arrived-a big whoop that made the cabin creak and raised the snow in a furious sheet. For a moment even the black scrawled shapes of the trees in The Gulch were erased, and there was nothing outside the big window but white: it was as if someone

had set up a drive-in movie screen out there. For the first time, Jonesy felt a thread of unease not just about Pete and Henry, presumably on their way back from Gosselin’s in Henry’s Scout, but for the Beaver. You would have said that if anybody knew these woods
it would have been the Beav, but nobody knew anything in a whiteout-
all bets were off
, that was another of his ne’er-do-well father’s sayings, probably not as good as
you can’t

make yourself be lucky
, but not bad. The sound of the genny might help Beav find his way, but as McCarthy had pointed out, sounds had a way of deceiving you. Especially if the wind started kicking up, as it had now apparently decided to do.
His mom had taught him the dozen basic things he knew about cooking, and one of
them had to do with the art of making grilled cheese sandwiches.
Lay in a little
mouseturds first

, she said-mouseturds being Janet Jones for mustard-
and then butter the
goddam bread, not the skillet. Butter the skillet and all’s you got’s fried bread with some
cheese in it
. He had never understood how the difference between where you put the butter, on the bread or in the skillet, could change the ultimate results, but he always did it his mother’s way, even though it was a pain in the ass buttering the tops of the sandwiches

while the bottoms cooked. No more would he have left his rubber boots on once he was in
the house… because, his mother had always said, “they draw your feet.” He had no idea
just what that meant, but even now, as a man going on forty, he took his boots off as soon
as he was in the door, so they wouldn’t draw his feet.
“I think I might have one of these babies myself,” Jonesy said, and laid the
sandwiches in the skillet, butter side down. The soup had begun to simmer, and it smelled

fine-like comfort.
“Good idea. I certainly hope your friends are all right.”
“Yeah,” Jonesy said. He gave the soup a stir. “Where’s your place?”
“Well, we used to hunt in Mars Hill, at a place Nat and Becky’s uncle owned, but some god-bless’d idiot burned it down two summers ago. Drinking and then getting
careless with the old smokes, that’s what the Fire Marshal said, anyway.” Jonesy nodded.
“Not an uncommon story.”

“The insurance paid the value of the place, but we had nowhere to hunt. I thought
probably that’d be the end of it, and then Steve found this nice place over in Kineo. I think it’s probably an unincorporated township, just another part of the Jefferson Tract, but Kineo’s what they call it, the few people who live there. Do you know where I mean?”
“I know it,” Jonesy said, speaking through lips that felt oddly numb. He was getting

another of those telephone calls from nowhere. Hole in the Wall was about twenty miles
east of Gosselin’s. Kineo was maybe thirty miles to the west of the market. That was fifty
miles in all. Was he supposed to believe that the man sitting on the couch with just his head sticking out of the down comforter had wandered fifty miles since becoming lost the
previous afternoon? It was absurd. It was impossible.
“Smells good,” McCarthy said.

And it did, but Jonesy no longer felt hungry.
He was just bringing the chow over to the couch when he heard feet stamping on the
stone outside the door. A moment later the door opened and Beaver came in. Snow swirled
around his legs in a dancing mist.
“Jesus-Christ-bananas,” the Beav said. Pete had once made a list of Beav-isms, and
Jesus-Christ-bananas was high on it, along with such standbys as
Kiss my

. They were exclamations both Zen and profane. “I thought I was gonna end up spendin the night out there, then I saw the light.” Beav raised his hands roofward, fingers
spread. “Seen de light, lawd, yessir, praise Je-” His glasses started to unfog then, and he
saw the stranger on the couch. He lowered his hands, slowly, then smiled. That was one of

the reasons Jonesy had loved him ever since grade-school, although the Beav could be tiresome and wasn’t the brightest bulb in the chandelier, by any means: his first reaction to
the unplanned and unexpected wasn’t a frown but a smile.
“Hi,” he said. “I’m Joe Clarendon. Who’re you?”
“Rick McCarthy,” he said, and got to his feet. The comforter tumbled off him and
Jonesy saw he had a pretty good potbelly pooching out the front of his sweater.
, he thought,

nothing strange, about that, at least, it’s the middle-aged man’s disease, and it’s
going to kill us in our millions during the next twenty years or so
McCarthy stuck out his hand, started to step forward, and almost tripped over the

fallen comforter. If Jonesy hadn’t reached out and grabbed his shoulder, steadying him, McCarthy probably would have fallen forward, very likely cleaning out the coffee-table on which the food was now set. Again Jonesy was struck by the man’s queer ungainliness-it made him think of himself a little that past spring, as he had learned to walk all over again. He got a closer look at the patch on the guy’s cheek, and sort of wished he hadn’t. It

wasn’t frostbite at all. It looked like a skin-tumor of some kind, or perhaps a portwine stain with stubble growing out of it.
“Who, whoa, shake it but don’t break it,” Beaver said, springing forward. He grabbed McCarthy’s hand and pumped it until Jonesy thought McCarthy would end up swan-diving into the coffee-table after all. He was glad when the Beav-all five-feet-six of him,

with snow still melting into all that long black hippie hair-stepped back. The Beav was still smiling, more broadly than ever. With the shoulder-length hair and the thick glasses,
he looked like either a math genius or a serial killer. In fact, he was a carpenter.
“Rick here’s had a time of it,” Jonesy said. “Got lost yesterday and spent last night in
the woods.”
Beaver’s smile stayed on but became concerned. Jonesy had an idea what was

coming next and willed Beaver not to say it he had gotten the impression that McCarthy
was a fairly religious man who might not care much for profanity-but of course asking Beaver to clean up his mouth was like asking the wind not to blow.
“Bitch-in-a-buzzsaw!” he cried now. “That’s fuckin terrible! Sit down! Eat! You too,
“Nah,” Jonesy said, “you go on and eat that. You’re the one who just came in out of
the snow.”
“You sure?”

“I am. I’ll just scramble myself some eggs. Rick can catch you up on his story.”
Maybe it’ll make more sense to you than it does to me
, he thought.
“Okay.” Beaver took off his Jacket (red) and his vest (orange, of course). He started
to toss them on the woodpile, then thought better of it. “Wait, wait, got something you might want.” He stuck his hand deep into one of the pockets of his down jacket,

rummaged, and came out with a paperback book, considerably bent but seemingly none
the worse for wear otherwise. Little devils with pitchforks danced across the cover-
, by Robert Parker. It was the book Jonesy had been reading in the stand.
The Beav held it out to him, smiling. “I left your sleeping-bag, but I figured you wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight unless you knew who the fuck done it.”

“You shouldn’t have gone up there,” Jonesy said, but he was touched in a way only
Beaver could touch him. The Beav had come back through the blowing snow and hadn’t
been able to make out if Jonesy was up in the tree-stand or not, not for sure. He could have
called, but for the Beav, calling wasn’t enough, only seeing was believing.
“Not a problem, Beaver said, and sat down next to McCarthy, who was looking at

him as a person might look at a new and rather exotic kind of small animal. “Well, thanks,” Jonesy said. “You get around that sandwich. I’m going to do eggs.” He started away, then stopped. “What about Pete and Henry? You think they’ll make it back
okay?‘he Beav opened his mouth, but before he could answer the wind gasped around the
cabin again, making the walls creak and rising to a grim whistle in the eaves. “Aw, this is

just a cap of snow,” Beaver said when the gust died away.
“They’ll make it back. Getting out again if there comes a real norther, that might be a
different story.” He began to gobble the grilled cheese sandwich. Jonesy went over to the
kitchen to scramble some eggs and heat up another can of soup. He felt better about
McCarthy now that Beaver was here. The truth was he always felt better when the Beav was around. Crazy but true.

By the time he got the eggs scrambled and the soup hot, McCarthy was chatting away
to Beaver as if the two of them had been friends for the last ten years. If McCarthy was
offended by the Beav’s litany of mostly comic profanity, that was outweighed by Beav’s
considerable charm. “There’s no explaining it,” Henry had once told Jonesy. “He’s a tribble, that’s all-you can’t help liking him. It’s why his bed is never empty-it sure isn’t his looks women respond to.”

Jonesy brought his eggs and soup into the living area, working not to limp-it was amazing how much more his his hip hurt in bad weather, he had always thought that was
an old wives” tale but apparently it was not-and sat in one of the chairs at the end of the
couch. McCarthy had been doing more talking than eating, it seemed. He’d barely touched
his soup, and had eaten only half of his grilled cheese.
“How you boys doin?” Jonesy asked. He shook pepper onto his eggs and fell to with

a will-his appetite had made a complete comeback, it seemed.
“We’re two happy whoremasters,” Beaver said, but although he sounded as chipper
as ever, Jonesy thought he looked worried, perhaps even alarmed. “Rick’s been telling me
about his adventures. It’s as good as a story in one of those men’s magazines they had in
the barber shop when I was a kid.” He turned back to McCarthy, still smiling-that was the

Beav, always smiling-and flicked a hand through the heavy fall of his black hair. “Old Man Castonguay was the barber on our side of Derry when I was a kid, and he scared me
so fuckin bad with those clippers of his that I been stayin away from em ever since.”
McCarthy gave a weak little smile but made no reply. He picked up the other half of
his cheese sandwich, looked at it, then put it back down again. The red mark on his cheek

glowed like a brand. Beaver, meanwhile, rushed on, as if he was afraid of what McCarthy
might say if given half a chance. Outside it was snowing harder than ever, blowing, too,
and Jonesy thought of Henry and Pete out there, probably on the Deep Cut Road by now,
in Henry’s old Scout.
“Not only did Rick here just about get eaten up by something in the middle of the night-a bear, he thinks it was-he lost his rifle, too. A brand new Remington.30-.30, fuckin

A, you won’t never see that again, not a chance in a hundred thousand.”
“I know,” McCarthy said. The color was fading out of his cheeks again, that leaden
look coming back in. “I don’t even remember when I put it down, or-” There was a sudden
low rasping noise, like a locust. Jonesy felt the hair on the back of his neck stiffen, thinking it was something caught in the fireplace chimney. Then he realized it was

McCarthy. Jonesy had heard some loud farts in his time, some long ones, too, but
nothing like this. It seemed to go on forever, although it couldn’t have been more than a few seconds. Then the smell hit.
McCarthy had picked up his spoon; now he dropped it back into his barely touched
soup and raised his right hand to his blemished cheek in an almost girlish gesture of embarrassment. “Oh gosh, I’m sorry,” he said.

“Not a bit, more room out than there is in,” Beaver said, but that was just instinct running his mouth, instinct and the habits of a lifetime-Jonesy could see he was as shocked by that smell as Jonesy was himself It wasn’t the sulfurous rotten-egg odor that
made you laugh and roll your eyes and wave your hand in front of your face, yelling
Jesus, who cut the cheese?

Nor one of those methane swamp-gas farts, either. It was the smell Jonesy had detected on McCarthy’s breath, only stronger-a mixture of ether and overripe bananas, like the starter-fluid you shot into your carburetor on a subzero morning.
“Oh dear, that’s
,” McCarthy said. “I am so darned sorry.”

“It’s all right, really” Jonesy said, but his stomach had curled up into a ball, like something protecting itself from assault. He wouldn’t be finishing his own early lunch; no
way in hell could he finish it. He wasn’t prissy about farts as a rule, but this one really reeked.
The Beav got up from the couch and opened a window, letting in a swirl of snow and
a draft of blessedly fresh air. “Don’t you worry about it, partner… but that
pretty ripe.

What the hell you been eatin? Woodchuck turds?”
“Bushes and moss and other stuff, I don’t know just what,” McCarthy said. “I was
just so hungry, you know, I had to eat
, but I don’t know much about that sort of thing, never read any of those books by Euell Gibbons… and of course it was dark.” He

said this last almost as if struck by an inspiration, and Jonesy looked up at Beaver, catching his eye to see if the Beav knew what Jonesy did-McCarthy was lying. McCarthy
didn’t know what he’d eaten in the Woods, or if he had eaten anything at all. He just wanted to explain that ghastly unexpected frog’s croak. And the stench which had
followed it.
The wind gusted again, a big, gaspy whoop that sent a fresh skein of snow in through

the open window, but at least it was turning the air over, and thank God for that.
McCarthy leaned forward so suddenly he might have been propelled by a spring, and
when he hung his head forward between his knees, Jonesy had a good idea of what was
coming next; so long Navajo rug, it’s been good to know ya. The Beav clearly thought the
same; he pulled back his legs, which had been splayed out before him, to keep them from
being splattered.

But instead of vomit, what came out of McCarthy was a long, low buzz-the sound of
a factory machine which has been put under severe strain. McCarthy’s eyes bulged from
his face like glass marbles, and his cheeks were so taut that little crescents of shadow appeared under the comers of his eyes. It went on and on, a rumbling, rasping noise, and
when it finally ceased, the genny out back seemed far too loud.

“I’ve heard some rm’ghty belches, but that’s the all-time blue ribbon winner,” Beav
said. He spoke with quiet and sincere respect.
McCarthy leaned back against the couch, eyes closing, mouth downturned in what Jonesy took for embarrassment, pain, or both. And once again he could smell that aroma
of bananas and ether, a fermenting
smell, like something which has just started to go over.
“Oh God, I am so sorry,” McCarthy said without opening his eyes. “I’ve been doing

that all day, ever since light. And my stomach hurts again.” Jonesy and the Beav shared a
silent, concerned look.
“You know what I think?” Beaver asked. “I think you need to lie down and take you
a little sleep. You were probably awake all night, listening to that pesky bear and God knows what else. You’re tired out and stressed out and fuck-a-duck knows what else out.
You just need some shuteye, a few hours and you’ll be right as the goddam rain.”

McCarthy looked at Beaver with such wretched gratitude that Jonesy felt a little
ashamed to be seeing it. Although McCarthy’s complexion was still leaden, he had begun
to break a sweat-great big beads that formed on his brow and temples, and then ran down
his cheeks like clear oil. This in spite of the cold air now circulating in the room.
“You know,” he said, “I bet you’re right. I’m tired, that’s all it is. My stomach hurts,

but that part’s just stress. And I was eating all sorts of things, bushes and just… gosh, oh
dear, I don’t know… all sorts of things.” He scratched his cheek. “Is this darn thing on my
face bad? Is it bleeding?”
“No,” Jonesy said. “Just red.”
“It’s a reaction,” McCarthy said dolefully. “I get the same thing from peanuts. I’ll lie
down. That’s the ticket, all right.”
He got to his feet, then tottered. Beaver and Jonesy both reached for him, but

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