Download The The 6th Day Full Movie Tamil Dubbed In Torrent

Download The The 6th Day Full Movie Tamil Dubbed In Torrent


Download The The 6th Day Full Movie Tamil Dubbed In Torrent

In the near future, cloning is now technically advanced, but human cloning is still illegal. Adam Gibson (Schwarzenegger) returns home after working with his friend Hank Morgan (Rapaport), only to find a clone of himself with his family. Before he has chance to find out the truth, he is attacked by a group who want him dead. Adam must escape and find out the truth from the creator of the clones, Michael Drucker (Goldwyn). Adam knows for sure he couldn't have been cloned, but isn't ready for what he's about to hear.
In the world of the very near future, cattle, fish, and even the family pet can be cloned. But cloning humans is illegal - that is until family man Adam Gibson comes home from work one day to find a clone has replaced him. Taken from his family and plunged into a sinister world he doesn't understand, Gibson must not only save himself from the assassins who must now destroy him to protect their secret, but uncover who and what is behind the horrible things happening to him.
This movie contains the plot about HUMAN CLONING in the near future. This is the most realistic movie about human cloning. Special effects in this movie is fantastic. The scene in the cloning laboratory is really creative. I like every aspects about future. But I wouldn&#39;t go to REPET. (just kidding) Arnold did one of his finest performance. Tony Goldwyn did a great job as a villain of this movie.<br/><br/>First half of the movie is interesting, but the other half of the movie is confusing me. I don&#39;t know who is the real or the clone, but still, interesting. Vehicles in this movie is great. You don&#39;t have to drive your car, it will drive by itself. Thing I like most is the futuristic helicopter that can transform into jetplane. Awesome.<br/><br/>If you like a decent sci-fi movie, watch this movie.
&quot;The Sixth Day&quot; is an example of when a big movie star gets so self-indulgent that they make a movie that has absolutely nothing new or interesting to offer, other than seeing that big movie star do what they are known best for doing. Arnold is know for kicking ass in big budget movies and this is just what he does here. Nothing more. The plot is a lame and uninspired version of &quot;Total Recall&quot; and it tries to top it with almost hilarious futility. There is even a scene where Arnold wakes up in a cab with no recollection of how he got there. Sound familiar? It should, since you have probably seen that in a better movie.<br/><br/>Now, one can&#39;t blame this all on Arnold since the producers are likely to be just as much at fault. Take one of the opening sequences that involves two admitted cool helicopter/jet hybrids racing in a canyon with one on remote control and the other actually being flown by a pilot. It&#39;s a fun scene, but it offers nothing more than fancy special effects. I don&#39;t mind expansive special effects, but there is a clear difference when these effects are thoughtful and designed with purpose than when they are not. The expansive (and expensive) sets and effects of &quot;Total Recall&quot; all worked within the film to show you the futuristic world that the story takes place in. Here many things are shown off just because they look cool and the overall &quot;sci-fi&quot; world isn&#39;t really a sci-fi world at all. It is just our contemporary world with random sci-fi things thrown in like holograms, high-tech vehicles and gadgets. Though, in a very odd move, one of the film&#39;s main action scenes, a car chase, has just regular cars and a regular suburban setting. The only indicator of science fiction is that these vehicles are virtually indestructible as they plow through houses and take vehicle suspensions to new levels of abuse. However, in the end it just the same old thing reheated, re-glossed, and re-served on the same old movie screen.<br/><br/>In other words, wholly uninteresting science fiction/action movie that barely scratches the surface of its interesting premise. It&#39;ll only entertain if taken as a no-brainer action flick, but there are so many of those around anyway. --- 4/10<br/><br/>Rated PG-13 for violence. This is a real MPAA treat as we are treated to lasers severing body parts and neck breaking. A real high for violence in the PG-13 category. Ages 13+
A fun ride. It's loud and obvious, but it's also the first high-tech, sci-fi thriller to think through some of the implications of cloning and capitalism.

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