Download The Justice League Doom Full Movie Tamil Dubbed In Torrent

Download The Justice League Doom Full Movie Tamil Dubbed In Torrent


Download The Justice League: Doom Full Movie Tamil Dubbed In Torrent

Vandal Savage steals confidential files Batman has compiled on the members of the Justice League, and learns all their weaknesses.
The Justice League are a team of great power, but also of personal secrets they thought safe. That changes when the immortal supervillain, Vandal Savage, has Batman's Batcave secretly raided to learn them all and more. Soon, the Leaguers are individually beset by their enemies who attack them with inescapable death traps specifically designed with that information. With that, all seems lost until an indomitable Knight and a young Titan combine to deliver salvation even as Savage uses the opportunity to implement a far grander scheme.
Dwayne McDuffie, the writer of this film, sadly passed away while it was being made and it is dedicated to him. McDuffie wrote some of the greatest episodes of Justice League, one of the finest superheroes ever made. (In my opinion the first 2 seasons are THE very best with McDuffie&#39;s episodes being the finest of all).<br/><br/>It must be said that Doom is not among the best of his work on JL, possibly because it is based on comic-book original with some shaky aspects to the plot. The changes made to turn it into a film have made matters worse. In the comic, it is plausible that Ra&#39;s Al-Ghul(the original villain) would know that Batman would store data on how to subdue his team mates, but why would Vandal Savage? <br/><br/>Batman states that his original plans were to incapacitate the JL and that they were somehow changed to make them lethal. But they all seem lethal in their conception and its hard to see what changes were made. For instance, Superman is shot with a Kryptonite bullet- what was the original non-lethal version of that? Some of the legion of Doom seem strangely chosen for their tasks. <br/><br/>The huge robot Metallo was able to disguise himself as a human somehow- wouldn&#39;t an actual shape shifter have been a better choice? <br/><br/>Cyborg did not appear in the original comic, and it shows. In all ways he seems superfluous to requirements. The omission of the Legion of Doom (or indeed Batman) to deal with him is a serious oversight but not one that has much bearing on the plot. Batman escapes his trap by himself and then organises the escapes of others, with Cyborg offering only minor assistance to Wonder Woman which, one imagines, Batman could have also sorted out.<br/><br/>Having said this, this remains an enjoyable adventure.
Justice League: Doom has one of the best storylines of any DC animated movie I&#39;ve seen thus far and that makes it stand out from the rest.<br/><br/>It tells the story of a congregation of super villians who mastermind a plan to steal Batmans files on the Justice League in order to pick them off. Those files being the secret ones he holds on each members weaknesses and his plans to take them down should they turn bad.<br/><br/>With the excellent Kevin Conroy as Batman, Nathan Fillion as Green Lantern and the sultry voice of Claudia Black as Cheetah the cast is top notch.<br/><br/>The story plays out well though the finale returns to the usual tropes. This could have benefitted from additional time, perhaps even up to another 30 minutes.<br/><br/>Regardless this is a good effort though I still think the DC animated movies should become a &quot;Universe&quot; like the live action and retain a bit of consistency.<br/><br/>The Good:<br/><br/>Fantastic voice talent<br/><br/>Excellent plot<br/><br/>The Bad:<br/><br/>Why does Bane look so weird in these things?<br/><br/>Things I Learnt From This Movie:<br/><br/>Explosions kill but leave no marks, even when it&#39;s practically going off in a persons face<br/><br/>I still can&#39;t take the name Legion Of Doom seriously<br/><br/>I agree with Batman


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