Download The Escape Plan Full Movie Tamil Dubbed In Torrent

Download The Escape Plan Full Movie Tamil Dubbed In Torrent


Download The Escape Plan Full Movie Tamil Dubbed In Torrent

When a structural-security authority finds himself set up and incarcerated in the world's most secret and secure prison, he has to use his skills to escape with help from the inside.
Ray Breslin is a man who has devoted his life to making prisons inescapable by going into a prison as an inmate and trying to see if he can break out. And he has done a good job so far. A woman who says she works for the CIA approaches Ray and says that a new maximum security prison where the worst criminals are to be incarcerated, is about to be launched. So she wants him to go and make sure no one can get out. He agrees. So they make the necessary preps but when Ray arrives at the prison, he discovers that someone doesn't want him to get out. He then tries to find a way out but he needs help. Another prisoner, Rottmeyer becomes friendly with him. And they decide to work together to get out.
Americans are most tastelest people in the world. the is good
Escape Plan was all hype about Arnold and Stallone being in the main lead together and almost nothing else. Besides both men are not in the prime of their careers seeing them together in the lead in the 80s or early 90s would have been something. But this is 2013 and both men are old. <br/><br/>Don&#39;t get me wrong I like both Arnold and Stallone, Stallone was great in the Rocky films and Rambo and regardless of the hate Arnold gets regarding his acting he has been in some great action flicks like Raw Deal, Terminator 1 and 2, Total Recall among others. So when I saw this film I was expecting an old school action flick with two actors who were the front and center of this movie genre. <br/><br/>How wrong was I, what I got was a boring movie with poor action and a ambiguous plot. Only a few action scenes are good honestly, mainly the climax scene, the intro action scene was boring. And is it just me or they use too much Sci-Fi crap to explain what is going on the movie, how far should we suspend our disbelief is beyond me, because this movie expects us to do that a lot.<br/><br/>The plot is basically that Stallone is Ray Breslin a man writing books about designing a perfect prison, so someone pays a large sum of cash to have him gone and he ends up in a high tech prison with methods to counteract all his escape plans, there he meets Rottmayer (Arnold) who becomes his friend and together they plan to escape the prison. That&#39;s all I can tell without giving away the rest of the plot. But basically their plan involves , starting fights for no reasons at all, getting injured on purpose, getting thrown in the prison&#39;s unique hole and then Breslin comes up with a Science Magic plan to bypass security. The plot is extremely boring and all the Sci-Fi that is used in this film to explain all things is just ridiculous and doesn&#39;t help matters. While the climax action was good the twists at the end was nothing to write home about. <br/><br/>I don&#39;t see where this film gets all the praise from apart from a very few decent action sequences, there is almost nothing to write home about. the acting is for the most part NOT GOOD. Stallone needs a translator or subtitles, 90% of the time I can&#39;t understand what the hell he is saying, if you had a hard time understanding what the man said in the 80s, you have got another thing coming, plus he is a 60 year old man pretending to play a role of a young man in his prime, It pains me to say this but he was right to be nominated as the Worst Actor for his role in this film, because he was just bad here. Arnold apart from cliché dialogs actually does a decent job, at least you can understand what the man is saying, i was interested in his character and he is playing a more believable role according to his age. The supporting cast was nothing special, it seems like Stallone&#39;s boss was afraid of Stallone&#39;s assistant and they were trying to create humor over a serious situation. The girl who plays Stallone&#39;s love interest, is not only a misfit because she seems to young, she is also tries to be very serious throughout her screen time in the film. The doctor&#39;s character was interesting and his backstory about what led to him working in such a brutal prison would have been good to see, but we got none of that.<br/><br/>Jimie Caviezel however was actually very convincing in his role as the prison warden and the main antagonist, he was cold, brutal and calculated. Exactly what you need in a villain. Regardless of some silly dialogs and mannerisms, his character actually made a believable villain and he is a strong point of this film believe it or not.<br/><br/>I just don&#39;t see where all the praise is coming from, boring plot, mostly bad acting, outdated action scenes and too much suspension of reality, really gave me a headache after watching the Escape Plan. This film was mostly all hype about Stallone and Arnold being in the lead together. Good climax action scene, Arnold&#39;s decent acting and a believable antagonist are the only saving grace of this film. <br/><br/>Overall: 4/10.
The tempered violence, the nature of the villains, the easy bonhomie of our leads and a cast peppered with great supporting players make Escape Plan go down easier than the other “Rambo/Last Man Standing/Expendables” pictures that brought these two aged action stars back from the dead.
Very little, they used the wrong kind of screws in the solitary cells. Since the prison guards are humans, a routine could be figured out from their behaviors. Secondly, since doctors are known to have oath to help their patients, the prison doctor could be a helpful inside man. And since the warden is human too, no matter how smart he is, he could still be fooled. Ray is hired by a CIA lawyer to enter The Tomb as a prisoner, in order to test its security by attempting to break out. However, the lawyer&#39;s true motivation is that her father, Manheim, is a prisoner in The Tomb, who she wants to be broken out of the prison with Ray&#39;s assistance a5c7b9f00b

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