Download Moonwalker

Download Moonwalker


Download Moonwalker

Starting with the caring "Man In The Mirror" and ending with the hymnal "The Moon Is Walking", Moonwalker is a informative anthological film, featuring music videos based off of "Bad", all ending with the ebony tale of a drug dealer whose goal is to get kids hooked.
Anthology movie by, and starring, Michael Jackson in his prime, combining a number of music videos from his bestselling "Bad" album with a fantasy tale of Michael's confrontation with a ruthless drug dealer known as Mr. Big (Joe Pesci).
THIS IS BY FAR MY MOST FAVOURITE MOVIE IN THE WORLD!!!!! I enjoyed it when I was 4 and I still enjoy it at 16!! Its an absolute masterpiece! No video collection is complete without it!!! I enjoy every second of it and not only does the film have some great special affects but its sends a great message to the youngsters of the audience which may sound sheesy but in actual fact the movie is done very COOLY in actual fact! Although Michael Jackson has been in afew movies now, people still dont see him as an actor. In reality he's the most talented actor I know! He's so talented! He's incredible!!! MOONWALKER IS A MUST SEE!!!!!!
Actually this movie has silly moments, both in the claymation part and in the Joe Pesci and children part, and it's much worse than other MJ movies like "The Wiz", "Captain Eo" and "Ghosts". But as a die hard Michael Jackson fan since almost eleven years, (Yeah, that's half my life, you guys!), I can't complain too much about it. Just seeing this lovely guy and hearing his wonderful music is a trip to Heaven for me. But as a movie, it's not good at all, and I'm afraid, that it would get a much lower grade for me, if my darling Mike hadn't been the one starring in it. But since no one but Mike IS the moonwalker, it has to get a 7 out of 10 from me.

Quite astonishingly the newly released European Blu-ray versions - at least the German and British ones - are censored. Two scenes involving Mr. Big and Katie got trimmed. In the first one Mr. Big hits her and in the second one the heroin injection is missing as well. It is unknown whether all Warner Blu-rays feature this cuts.<br/><br/>However, the 1990 Guild Home Video VHS version (UK rated PG) may have these edits included in an earlier edit. The infamous baseball bats with the car outside the Club is not included on this VHS version. a5c7b9f00b

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