Download Hindi Movie The Host

Download Hindi Movie The Host


Download Hindi Movie The Host

A race of non-corporeal, parasitic aliens who go from planet to planet looking for hosts have come to Earth and basically taken over the human race. It's believed that, once inside a body, all memories of the host human are gone. Some few free humans remain hidden from them, forming a resistance group. When an alien Seeker captures a girl named Melanie and puts a Wanderer in her body, she hopes to find out where the remaining humans are gathered, but Melanie, a strong fighter able to converse with the alien in her commandeered body, convinces the Wanderer to say nothing. Disappointed by the lack of progress (though suspecting an empathy for the human), the Seeker informs the Wanderer that she'll be removed and placed in a new host while she herself will enter Melanie. With human lives at risk, Melanie convinces Wanderer to run away and hide out with the humans, but finding them doesn't mean they'll allow an alien presence among them. Jared (Melanie's boyfriend) wants her dead, but Jeb (Melanie's uncle) wants to wait, and Ian, tasked with guarding her, finds himself siding with Jeb. As Ian begins to fall for Melanie, a strange love triangle develops, with Ian wanting Wanderer (inhabiting Melanie's body), Jared wanting Melanie (imprisoned inside her own body), and no one knowing any way to separate the two without killing both.
When an unseen enemy threatens mankind by taking over their bodies and erasing their memories, Melanie will risk everything to protect the people she cares most about, proving that love can conquer all in a dangerous new world.
This is based on a book written by Stephenie Meyer -if her name sounds familiar , she wrote the 'Twilight' books . The story takes place after an alien invasion has occurred . The aliens are called 'Souls' and they take over a human's body-kind of like in 'The Invasion of the Body Snatchers' . Most of the planet has been taken over but there are a few survivors left in hiding . Saoirse is taken over at the beginning of the story but she puts up a fight- when she is talking out loud , it's the alien and when it's just the voice in her head it's Saoirse . Diane plays a Seeker-kind of like a policeman for the aliens- that is after Saoirse . William plays Saoirse's uncle . Max and Jake play the love interest for Saoirse. Max likes the human part and Jake goes for the alien side . I can see this becoming a new franchise for Stephenie . It's rated "PG-13" for sexuality-no nudity- and violence and has a running time of 2 hours & 5 minutes . I liked it and would buy it on DVD .
The Host is a romance/science-fiction film taking place after an alien invasion has occurred on Earth. The aliens have managed to take over the bodies of almost all the humans; only a few pockets of human resistance are left. <br/><br/>The movie follows the story of Melanie Stryder (Saoirse Ronan), who is captured by the aliens, and who has an alien implanted in her. The &quot;soul&quot;, (the aliens are called souls in the film) known as Wanderer, has control of Melanie&#39;s body, but Melanie somehow retains consciousness inside and manages to talk Wanderer into escaping from the other souls and trying to find her Uncle Jeb&#39;s hideout, somewhere in the desert. She eventually meets Jeb (William Hurt) and the other members of the resistance. But almost everyone believes that Melanie&#39;s consciousness couldn&#39;t have survived the insertion of a soul, and they suspect that Wanderer is a spy for the souls. And so on. <br/><br/>So what do I think of this movie? <br/><br/>Well let&#39;s start with the acting: Saoirse Ronan is excellent as the main character. She brings real poise to Wanderer, never too much warmth, which fits with the souls&#39; inherent serenity. <br/><br/>The rest of the actors are alright, but it seems obvious that Max Irons (Jared) and Jake Abel (Ian) were chosen more for their good looks than acting talent. William Hurt seems to mistakingly think that he&#39;s in a western, but he still brings some maturity to the proceedings. <br/><br/>The direction is decent, and the visual effects are pretty well done: The souls gleam with a sort of heavenly light, and they have hundreds of tendrils; all moving gracefully around. <br/><br/>The dialogue is weak, with some very tacky lines. Most of it&#39;s delivered in grim tones of voice.<br/><br/>The reason I think people in general don&#39;t like this movie so much is because they were expecting an action-packed and boisterous thrill ride, and instead got a very slow paced, quiet, and reflective film. <br/><br/>There&#39;s one scene near the end that I found surprisingly moving: It&#39;s a two minute shot, filmed directly above Wanderer/Melanie lying down. Wanderer and Melanie exchange dialogue, Melanie in voice-over. It&#39;s almost worth watching the film just for that one scene. <br/><br/>Personally, I kind of like this movie. I feel that it&#39;s heart is in the right place, and I enjoyed watching the way the humans dealt with having a soul in their midst and eventually warmed up to the idea.<br/><br/>It might not be a great film, or even a good one, but it&#39;s still an enjoyable watch if you&#39;re in the right frame of mind.
'Twilight' of the Body Snatchers, without much urgency or sexual heat.

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