Download Hindi Movie Hot Lead And Cold Feet

Download Hindi Movie Hot Lead And Cold Feet


Download Hindi Movie Hot Lead And Cold Feet

This saga of the old west involves twin brothers who compete for possession of a rickety cow town founded by their father while a crooked Mayor tries to put an end to the competitors so he can inherit the town himself.
Hot Lead and Cold Feat belong with Don Knott&#39;s better films but maybe not his very best. With that out of the way, maybe Don Knotts and Jack Elam&#39;s characters could&#39;ve been the most entertaining and downright hilarious pleasures to this film. <br/><br/>The film follows the story of two twin brothers who don&#39;t know of each other&#39;s existence and are summoned to inherit a reward by their father. Complete opposites, the two brothers learn of each other and engage in a contest to win the inheritance. <br/><br/>The film is definitely a classic for its genre and watching even at this day, is quite entertaining. However, if the audience doesn&#39;t have similar nostalgia for it as others who grew up with this family fun time, laughs may be in short supply. The script includes some unbelievable dialogue and plot holes that genuinely leave the viewer scratching their head. In addition to the sometimes cringe-worthy flaws, the movie suffers from an outrageous dependency on unnecessary slap-stick humor that becomes a little tiring. <br/><br/>Despite the holes and obvious problems, Hot Lead and Cold Feat is undeniably a fun time and indeed quite rewatchable. Although many characters feel unnecessary to the progression of the plot, each performance is handled very well and with enthusiasm. It&#39;s genuinely fun watching these performances and it&#39;s quite impossible to refrain from smiling. <br/><br/>Hot Lead and Cold Feat is a guilty pleasure and is for most people. However, it&#39;s not the guiltiest of fun bad movies. It&#39;s a good time and it&#39;s a good time especially for the whole family.
This lively comedy-Western from Disney is largely a vehicle for the talented British comic Jim Dale, who is given the opportunity to play three roles. Jasper Bloodshy, an ornery old fart who created a town in his name, his hell raising outlaw son Wild Billy, and a son, Eli, who nobody but Jasper knew about. Eli has been working as a missionary in Philadelphia, and comes to Bloodshy when Jasper apparently perishes. The old man had a will, but the proviso is that the two sons / heirs compete in a series of gruelling races before things are settled. However, the greedy mayor (Darren McGavin) schemes to get the money for himself, with the help of various bumbling goons.<br/><br/>Oddly enough, it&#39;s when we get to the climactic race that the movie loses some of the momentum that it&#39;s built up. While the action and the stunts are first rate, the material just isn&#39;t as humorous. A shame, because up until then, everything is played quite speedily and breathlessly. The fact that the town is basically a lawless place allows for a lot of chaos.<br/><br/>The star laden cast easily give it everything that they&#39;ve got. Don Knotts is right at home in one of his standard bumbling authority figures, complete with all of the comic actors&#39; nervous tics and reactions. Jack Elam is perfectly cast as his nemesis. Karen Valentine (as an aspiring schoolteacher) and Debbie Lytton &amp; Michael Sharrett (as Eli&#39;s young charges) have plenty of appeal. McGavin is simply a wonderful slimeball villain. And Dale has a ball with his three very different roles, especially old coot Jasper, who must suffer several indignities as he spies on the proceedings with his long suffering butler (John Williams).<br/><br/>Beautiful scenery and a bouncy theme song help to make this pretty good, if not hysterical.<br/><br/>Seven out of 10.


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