Download Hindi Movie Fallen

Download Hindi Movie Fallen


Download Hindi Movie Fallen

Detective John Hobbes has captured and imprisoned the crazy serial killer Edgar Reese, then Reese was brought to execution by gas chamber. Hobbes thought his nightmare with this killer is finally over. However, he soon discovers that there was a murder in a style very similar to Edgar Reese. Then, he found out that it was an evil fallen angel named Azazel, who can exist by possessing other people's bodies. As Hobbes tries to find out the mystery of Azazel, he also has to find a way to do the impossible, stop a fallen angel.
Detective John Hobbes attends the execution of a serial killer he arrested, Edgar Reese. They have a private chat where Reese gives him a riddle of sorts and then speaks in a strange language. The riddle leads him to a once decorated policeman who one day went to his cottage in the woods and killed himself. It was never explained why but when Hobbes looks around the now decrepit cottage he finds that the man had scribbled the name Azazel on the wall. Hobbes soon learns that Azazel is an evil spirit who can transfer itself from one person to another through touch. As Hobbes comes to realize the extent Azazel is responsible for much of the evil around him he also realizes that Azazel is after him.
When there is a movie with an excellent cast of very famous actors that you&#39;ve somehow never heard of, it&#39;s usually a good bet that the movie is terrible. Unfortunately, I disregarded this time-honored rule and watched this movie starring Denzel Washington, John Goodman, and Donald Sutherland. I usually have faith in Denzel to guide me to a decent movie, but he let me down with this one. I haven&#39;t yet posted here to completely pan a movie, but I felt a responsibility to warn you about this one.<br/><br/>The movie has a relatively intriguing premise and not terrible writing, but it is totally ruined by pretentious, obnoxious direction. I was surprised to see that this director was the same guy who did Primal Fear, but then it all kind of made sense. This movie, like Primal Fear, is very full of its own importance, with &quot;edgy&quot; camera angles, melodramatic music and over-the-top acting. UNLIKE Primal Fear, the story is not entertaining enough to legitimize this melodrama. Instead you get a plot that is garbled and unintelligible and really doesn&#39;t have much to say. It&#39;s pretty much the fault of the director, in my opinion.<br/><br/>The basic story is that some spirit named &quot;Azazil&quot; is able to transfer from body to body (we&#39;re not really ever told convincingly HOW this happens, or why - sometimes it appears to be at will and then sometimes not). &quot;Azazil&quot; has no real apparent motivation for wanting to wipe out the human race, except that he is ancient and pretty angry. This can still be entertaining in a scary movie that is directed well. Unfortunately, this is not such a movie. The director spends so much time trying to make the hokey plot seem &quot;smart&quot; that the story trips all over itself. Large parts of the plot that would be better left in to explain things seem to have been cut out, and events get laughably confusing and stupid. Yet the movie continues with a tone that would make you think the director and all its participants believe they are delivering the most meaningful movie since Citizen Kane. <br/><br/>The end result of all the hokeyness is that Denzel Washington gets framed for various crimes. He then spends most of the last half of the movie yelling at &quot;Azazil&quot; (who we, and Denzel, of course cannot see most of the time, and who jumps rapidly from body to body). The camera angles and styles used to demonstrate &quot;Azazil&#39;s&quot; movement give the viewer a major headache. I stuck through it to see if there would be an interesting ending. There was not. Suffice it to say that John Goodman, when possessed by Azazil, is NOT scary. And the VERY end of the movie is GROANINGLY dumb - to the point that both my husband and I (who rarely agree on movies) both *actually* groaned.<br/><br/>The only reason I gave this movie 2 stars instead of 1 is because Denzel tried so hard.
Fallen starts with convicted serial killer Edgar Reese (Elias Koteas) being executed in the gas chamber as the man who brought him to justice Detective Jon Hobbes (Denzel Washington) looks on. Hobbes thinks that this is the end but soon has to rethink as he receives a phone call which tells him to check a house out where he finds a dead man named Muscovich (Glen Witko) in a bathtub having been poisoned, the same way Reese used to kill his victims. At first Hobbes fears a copy cat killer but during the course of his investigation the name Robert Milano comes up, a decorated cop who apparently committed suicide. Hobbes speaks with his daughter Gretta (Embeth Davidtz) who at first is reluctant to speak with him. Things become even stranger when the man who killed Muscovich, Charles (Robert Joy) is found dead in exactly the same way having been poisoned again. Eventually Gretta tells Hobbes the truth, he is in fact dealing with an ancient demon called Azazel who has the power to jump form body to body at will by mere psychical touch. The demon Azazel seems to be taunting Hobbes, ruining his life &amp; career, setting him up for murder &amp; getting to his friends &amp; family. Hobbes must find a way to destroy the ancient demon before it destroys him &amp; everyone he cares about...<br/><br/>Directed by Gregory Hoblit I thought Fallen was an OK time waster but nothing special. The script by Nicholas Kazan is far too slow &amp; at 2 hours Fallen is just too long. It never gripped me or excited me, it&#39;s all very average &amp; a bit of a chore to sit through certain parts. It&#39;s a very small scale film in the way that it feels, there are no big action scenes, only a couple of off screen murders which amount to very little over the course of a 2 hour film. The plot of Fallen sounds very horror orientated but in actual fact there is hardly any straight horror elements here, there are no scares, the demon itself is never seen &amp; Fallen lacks any atmosphere or tension. The biggest problem I had with Fallen was why did Azazel go after Hobbes? I mean this ancient demon can jump form body to body at will &amp; could go anywhere &amp; do anything so why go after one cop? Personally I would jump into some mega rich person &amp; live it up a bit! The flimsy explanation of Hobbes being one of the chosen few on Earth to fight these demons just doesn&#39;t hold water with me when it&#39;s given one line of dialogue throughout the whole film. Director Hoblit uses various MTV style editing tricks to try &amp; modernise it I suppose, slow motion, colour filters, quick cuts &amp; hand held jerky camera movements you know the sort of thing. Technically Fallen is fine with that very polished if somewhat bland Hollywood look about it. There is no blood or gore in Fallen a few bloody gunshots apart so forget about anything like that, again isn&#39;t Fallen meant to be a horror? The acting is OK, Denzel does OK although I can&#39;t see why he&#39;s one of Hollywoods hottest properties at moment on the evidence in Fallen, John Goodman turns up as Hobbes partner Jonsey &amp; is as likable as ever, Donald Sutherland makes an appearance as the boss Lieutenant Stanton in a largely insignificant role that seems to have been expanded because the filmmakers wanted to give him more screen time. Overall I thought Fallen was average at best, it&#39;s one of those films that I tend to describe as having nothing especially wrong with it but at the same time there is nothing particularly good about it either. Worth a watch for sure but just don&#39;t expect anything brilliant.

And an unclean bird flew down on the carcasses, and I drove it away. And the unclean bird spoke to me and said, &quot;What are you doing, Abraham, on the holy heights where no one eats or drinks, nor is there upon them food for men. But these all will be consumed by fire and they will burn you up. Leave the man who is with you and flee! For if you ascend to the height, they will destroy you.&quot; And it came to pass when I saw the bird speaking I said this to the angel: &quot;What is this, my lord?&quot; And he said, &quot;This is disgrace, this is Azazel!&quot; And he said to him, &quot;Shame on you, Azazel! For Abraham&#39;s portion is in heaven, and yours is on the earth, for you have selected here, and become enamored of the swelling place of your blemish. Therefore the Eternal Ruler, the Mighty One, has given you a dwelling on earth. Through you the all-evil spirit is a liar, and through you are wrath and trials on the generations of men who live impiously. For the Eternal, Mighty One did not allow the bodies of the righteous to be in your hand, so through them the righteous life is affirmed and the destruction of ungodliness. Hear, counselor, be shamed by me! You have no permission to tempt all the righteous. Depart from this man! You cannot deceive him, because he is the enemy of you and of those who follow you and who love what you wish. For behold, the garment which is heaven was formerly yours has been set aside for him, and the corruption which was on him has gone over to you. And the angel said to me, &quot;Abraham!&quot; And I said, &quot;Here I am, your servant.&quot; And he said, &quot;Know from this that the Eternal One whom you have loved has chosen you. Be bold and do through your authority whatever I order you against him who reviles justice. Will I not be able to revile him who has scattered about the earth the secrets of heaven and who has taken counsel against the Mighty One? Say to him, &quot;May you be the firebrand of the furnace of the earth! Go, Azazel, into the untrodden parts of the earth. For your heritage is over those who are with you, with the stars and with the men born by the clouds, whose portion you are, indeed they exist through your being. Enmity is for you a pious act. Therefore through your own destruction be gone from me!&quot; And I said the words as the angel had taught me. And he said, &quot;Abraham.&quot; And I said, &quot;Here I am, your servant!&quot; And the angel said to me, &quot;Answer him not!&quot; And he spoke to me a second time. And the angel said, &quot;Now, whatever he says to you, answer him not, lest his will run up to you. For the Eternal, Mighty One gave him the gravity and the will. Answer him not.&quot; And I did what the angel had commanded me. And whatever he said to me about the descent, I answered him not. a5c7b9f00b

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