Download Hindi Movie Django Kill If You Live Shoot

Download Hindi Movie Django Kill If You Live Shoot


Download Hindi Movie Django Kill... If You Live, Shoot!

Various factions, including a half-breed bandit, a gang of homosexual cowboys and a priest, feud over stolen gold in a surreal town.
The Stranger, a half-breed bandit, is part of a band of thieves that steal a cargo of gold from a stagecoach. However, the Americans in the band betray him, and shoot all the Mexicans. The Stranger is not completely dead though, and crawls his way out of his shallow grave, continuing his pursuit of the gold, and exacting a bloody vengeance.
This oddball Italian Western offers some striking, over-the-top images of violence mixed with the typical trappings of the average cowboy-with-a-vendetta plot. It's noteworthy for it's blatant homoeroticism and surrealistic dialogue. Despite a lot that's familiar, this one still gets high marks for originality, when seen in it's original widescreen cut. The notorious "matinee version" that's circulating doesn't do it justice.
There are good moments and touches of atmosphere in this western but the plot's too muddled to pull things together. Tomas Milian seems to have been cast for his "beefcake" appeal and, sure enough, he winds up stripped to a loincloth and tied to a cross inside a jail-cell for a bit of torture that's obviously meant to evoke religious parallels. (The question is, where would a man in frontier America get such a peculiar undergarment?)


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