Download Full Movie The Cave In Hindi

Download Full Movie The Cave In Hindi


Download Full Movie The Cave In Hindi

A group of cave-divers and scientists explore a newly found cave system in Romania. However, rockfall blocks the exit and after delving further into the cave, the group discover a pack of deadly creatures are waiting for them. With their leader Jack having very strange side-effects and with their numbers dropping, the group must delve even further into the cave, battle the creatures and hope for an exit.
Thirty years ago, in the Carpathians Mountains of Romania, a group of explorers blows an entrance to a cave hidden under a church, but the explosion causes a landslide and they become trapped inside. In the present days, the expedition leaded by Dr. Nicolai and his assistant, Dr. Kathryn are exploring the place and they find the access through an underwater river, requesting the experienced cave divers team leaded by Jack. Dr. Nicolai discovers that, in accordance with the local legend, the church was built to seal the cave as a display of God's protective power, and that Templar Knights entered the cave to fight winged demons. When the group reaches a cave though a tunnel one mile below and three miles in, a creature attacks one of the members and his breathing apparatus explodes, collapsing the tunnel and trapping the group in the cave. Soon they realize that they are the rescue team and they have to find an exit to survive from the attack of the monsters.
There are some films that are so inconsequential that one forgets them as soon as they&#39;re over. Naturally, I can&#39;t remember any, but we&#39;ve all seen plenty of them, sadly frequent as they are. &quot;The Cave,&quot; though, is that rare movie that you forget as you&#39;re still watching it, so that by the end you have no idea what the hell you&#39;ve been doing for the last two hours. This obviously makes a difficult task of a review. Compounding matters is the fact that the entire film takes place in a cramped, poorly-lit space, making it virtually impossible to follow the goings-on, were one so inclined. Every ten minutes or so, the soundtrack pounds furiously, the camera cuts rapidly, some lights flash, and people scream. What for? I dunno. Some observations:<br/><br/>1. We&#39;re told that the titular cave is home to an unknown parasite that mutates its host into a form ideally adapted to its environment. Strange that the team of scientists that pronounces this discovery doesn&#39;t note its similarity to another already-discovered phenomenon, known as &quot;evolution.&quot; Although Darwin teaches us that mutations occur over long periods of time and many generations, this little bug is able to effect total physiological mutation in a single specimen. Clever girl.<br/><br/>2. Our intrepid braniacs realize, after discovering a pair of old boots, that the monsters hunting them are the mutated members of the last expedition to the cave. They are horrified to stumble upon a &quot;killing ground&quot; of human bones. So, if the monsters are the last team of explorers, to whom do the bones belong? This parasite may be deadly, but it&#39;s none too smart, mutating its hosts to depend on once-every-few-decades human visits to survive, rather than lichens or minerals or something that might occur abundantly.<br/><br/>3. The end implies ominously that the parasite may have escaped from the cave to the surface. Gasp! Imagine a population of creatures ideally evolved to life on the earth&#39;s surface! Wait a minute...<br/><br/>I could go on, but what would be the point? &quot;The Cave&quot; can&#39;t be bothered to examine, or even obey, its own dumbass logic. Even by the dubious standards of the Team of Scientists/Monster In a Wet, Abandoned Space genre, &quot;The Cave&quot; is a steaming load of nonsense. &quot;Respect the cave,&quot; intones one explorer early on. It sounds more like a plea than a command, and it&#39;s hard to tell which is worse.
We start off in Romania 30 years ago where a group of men have decided to go hunting for a Cave that is rumored to have been the place of a fight between demons and templar knights. When they try to crack open the entrance they find out that they may have used too much dynamite and are buried in the cave along with tons of rubble. We then go to the present as scientists are investigating the same location and trying to see if the cave is there. Well they find it and bring in some cave divers to help investigate.<br/><br/>From there accidents occur and they end up being stuck in the cave also. The Cave is one of those monster movies that pisses me off. We get some rather cool looking monsters that pick off our cast one at a time but we rarely see them. I understand to build tension for the first several kills it is good not to show what the creature looks like only quick shots or images (shadows even) but when you are reduced to showing the creatures for about 15 minutes of running time that just sucks. Another complaint is the PG-13 rating. Right there you have neutered the film. This means there will be no bloody decapitations, no limbs being ripped off or severed or any squishy stuff unless it is from the monsters (made famous by the lame duck Aliens vs Predator). This seemed to really hamper several of the death scenes as they could have been more menacing.<br/><br/>So the 2 things about monster movies that is cool 1) The Monster Design and 2) The Gore are kept to a minimum so what do we get, lots of exploring underwater caves.....yeah. Is it all boring? No they do a good job of handling this and the characters, for the most part, are not annoying but its the fact that this is a monster movie and not a cave diving National Geographic special that really will get to you.<br/><br/>In the end this movie does some things right some things wrong. In the end its is just there and when its just there its average so I give The Cave: 5/10: average monster flick, with an R rating and more of the beasties on screen (which did look cool when seen) this &quot;coulda a been a contenda&quot; but falls flat.<br/><br/>In conclusion: If you are going to see one Cave Monster movie see The Descent.<br/><br/>The Cave is out now on DVD.
"Alien" redux.
Two archeologists—Doctors Nicolai (<a href="/name/nm0411903/">Marcel Iures</a>) and Kathryn Jannings (<a href="/name/nm0372176/">Lena Headey</a>)—assemble a team to investigate a huge cave system deep within the Carpathian Mountains of Romania that they think might contain an unexplored ecosystem. American cave-diving brothers Jack (<a href="/name/nm0369513/">Cole Hauser</a>) and Tyler (<a href="/name/nm0004827/">Eddie Cibrian</a>) McAllister, survivalist Top Buchanan (<a href="/name/nm0004820/">Morris Chestnut</a>), cameraman Alex Kim (<a href="/name/nm0196654/">Daniel Dae Kim</a>), rock-climber Charlie (<a href="/name/nm0005305/">Piper Perabo</a>), sonar expert Strode (<a href="/name/nm0201061/">Kieran Darcy-Smith</a>), and first scout Briggs (<a href="/name/nm0712262/">Rick Ravanello</a>) eventually descend into the cave together. When Strode&#39;s water scooter explodes, the entrance to the caverns caves in, and the explorers must find another way out. Along the way, they stumble across scattered equipment and the remains of previous explorers and soon come to realize that they are being stalked by unknown, but highly vicious, creatures. The Cave is based on a screenplay written by Michael Steinberg and Tegan West. Actually, the cave has been known about for many years. The Knights Templar built an abbey over it in the 13th century to seal the entrance as a display of &quot;God&#39;s protective power,&quot; and a group of explorers unearthed the cavern 30 years earlier when they tried to blast their way into the system, causing a landslide that buried the abbey and trapped them in the cave, never to be seen again. Nicolai and Kathryn, while excavating the ruins of the abbey, rediscover the cave entrance. The V.S.S.F. tattoo stands for &quot;Verband Schweizerischer Sprengfachleute&quot; or &quot;Swiss Society of Explosive Engineers&quot;. Strode is the first to be carried off by one of creatures, followed by Nicolai. Charlie is gutted when she attempts to climb to a hole in the cave ceiling and is attacked by a flying creature. Briggs is hauled up the side of a cliff by a creature, and Alex is eaten by one. Jack is killed when he leaps on a flying creature, and an explosion causes the cave walls to start collapsing. Tyler, Top, and Kathryn make it to the surface. Tyler, Top, and Kathryn get out of the cave by following a stream of cold water to where it merges with a river on the surface. Some days later, Tyler joins Kathryn at a table at a sidewalk cafe. He asks Kathryn whether Jack might have survived outside. Kathryn admits that, at first she thought the parasite couldn&#39;t survive outside the cave environment, but now she&#39;s not so sure. She leans forward, kisses his cheek, and peers at him over the tops of her sunglasses. &quot;I think it wants to get out,&quot; she says, showing that her eyes have begun to mutate the same way that Jack&#39;s eyes did. She then gets up and hurries off into the crowd. In the final scene, Tyler tries to follow her, but Kathryn has disappeared. The Cave is most often compared to three other movies—<a href="/title/tt0451262/">Within (2005)</a> (2005) (aka The Cavern), The <a href="/title/tt0435625/">The Descent (2005)</a> (2005), and the sequel <a href="/title/tt1073105/">The Descent: Part 2 (2009)</a> (2009). All four movies have similar plots and are shot in a manner provoking the greatest amount of claustrophobia. a5c7b9f00b

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