Download Full Movie Superman In Hindi

Download Full Movie Superman In Hindi


Download Full Movie Superman In Hindi

Just before the destruction of the planet Krypton, scientist Jor-El sends his infant son Kal-El on a spaceship to Earth. Raised by kindly farmers Jonathan and Martha Kent, young Clark discovers the source of his superhuman powers and moves to Metropolis to fight evil. As Superman, he battles the villainous Lex Luthor, while, as novice reporter Clark Kent, he attempts to woo co-worker Lois Lane
An alien orphan is sent from his dying planet to Earth, where he grows up to become his adoptive home's first and greatest superhero.
Back in 1978 Superman became the first superhero film and made with the intent of treating it&#39;s source material seriously. It was a big special effects movie that was made at the time of the rise of blockbusters like Jaws and Star Wars and still has fans today. But does it stand the test of time.<br/><br/>On the planet of Krypton the ruling council ignores their leading scientist Jor-El&#39;s (Marlon Brando) warnings that their planet is about to face destroy and threaten him with exile to the Phantom Zone, a fate worst then death, if he tries to leave the planet. Given no option and seeing that his planet is about to be destroyed he put his only son Kal-El in a space ship and send him to Earth with all the knowledge Krypton has. On Earth Kal-El crash lands in Smallville and is raised by Jonathan and Martha Kent (Glenn Ford and Phyllis Thaxter) as their son, Clark. Years later Clark (Christopher Reeve) becomes a reporter for a major newspaper, the Daily Planet and the North Pole his he created his Fortress of Solitude where he learns about his planet and its history. He becomes Superman, having abilities no one else Earth has and soon starts a relationship with Lois Lane (Margot Kidder). But villain Lex Luthor (Gene Hackman) plans to commit the crime of the century and willing to kill Superman to do it.<br/><br/>Before Superman all superhero programs and film serials were either seen as children programmes, like the George Reeves Adventures of Superman or the camp Adam West Batman. Even as comics were getting darker and more serious comic books were still seen as children&#39;s entertainment. This Superman project had a lot of potential, being one of the best known superhero and it had a long production. A number of directors were attached, Francis Ford Coppola, Steven Spielberg, William Friedkin and Sam Peckinpah. Guy Hamilton of Bond fame, director Goldfinger, was set to director but had to leave because he could not live in England for more then a month because he was tax cheat. Richard Donner stepped in, having only made The Omen and a few TV Movies. Donner&#39;s directing is mixed, he is able to come up with some grand visions for Krypton and a dark sombre tone when Jor-El sends his son off as the planet is being destroyed. The action sequences are strong and the special effects were the best available at the time, though the flying effect does look a bit ropey by modern standard. But I do like the physicality of using models and more does need to be used for modern blockbusters. There are also tender moments between Superman and Lois Lane, the flying send being the most famous and Donner did do well for the most part for having to fit in a lot of the Superman story in one film, his origins from his childhood to his early days as Superman and mixing the tone and action sequences.<br/><br/>For me however I do not have the nostalgia for Superman that some people have, growing up with this series. They see it a proper serious superhero film, but I find there are still problems. There is a lack of a good antagonist: you can not really respect Lex Luther as the main villain of this film. He sometimes has a dark edge, killing a police officer like a Bond villain but for the most part Luthor and his henchpeople are just played for laughs taking away an threat they main hold and some of the leaps of logic is extraordinary, particularly how they figure out Superman&#39;s weakness is Kryptonite. Luthor has an extraordinarily dumb play and its only in Superman Returns when Luthor is actually a sinister and creditable villain. I think Donner was so focused on showing Superman&#39;s origins he didn&#39;t have time to develop a good villain. There are also so really cheesy and silly moments like when Lois and Clark at robbed and Clark&#39;s exaggerated geeky traits. There is also no set scene of time, with a lot of the characters looking like they were from the 50s. We can also not over look the ending, how the hell is spinning around the world and making it rotate backwards able to make time go backwards? There are a lot of problems with it and it causes a lot of plot holes, including Superman could have gotten both nukes within seconds. It is the type of ending which pretty much say the previous event didn&#39;t matter because we reset time.<br/><br/>We know that there was a long casting process to find someone who could play Clark Kent and Superman, from James Caan, to Christopher Walken, to Arnold Schwarzenegger. Reeve was an unknown stage actor but he really was Superman, who was torn between Jol-El who was his mentor and his desire to protect Earth because of the ideals he was raised on. This Superman is a little more arrogant but that is because he is still young and starting out as a hero. But of course he is still a good man. Reeve had excellent chemistry with Kidder, both as Clark and Superman and she is strong in role as a smart journalist on the up. My view on Hackman is that his role was ruined by the comedy but at least there was so banner with Valerie Perrine. There is no denying Brando was a great Jol-El, giving his character a calm grandness and he played his role deadly seriously.<br/><br/>Plus Superman has one of John Williams&#39; best scores, a really powerful rousing bit music.<br/><br/>Overall Superman is a fun film but what lets it down are some cheesy/silly moments, a bit too much comedy and a lack of a treating antagonist. It is not the classic some people think it is but it is a worthy film. A 7.5/10 would be a fair IMDb score.
December 10 is the 34th anniversary of the now superhero film classic SUPERMAN. When I saw it for the first time when it premiered in 1978, I was blown away. But I didn&#39;t have the wit or skill at the time to write how I felt about the film. I do now. And while I will keep this short and sweet, I&#39;m can say that what I felt then I still feel now. Without question. For the truth is eternal! SUPERMAN (1978) is a unique movie in many respects and not just as an exceptional superhero flick. It is, of course, the first epic superhero movie with amazing special effects and action sequences. But it may be the ultimate movie about goodness--especially about doing goodness. For the protagonist is more than just an hero or superhero. He is someone totally dedicated to doing goodness and making the world a better place for everyone. Hand in hand with this is his purpose to battle and defeat evil and defend and enact justice. But mainly, his life and his whole purpose for living is to do goodness. And this is what the whole persona of Superman was and is. I think Richard Donner the director pulled it off splendidly and kept true to the original story and persona of Superman. Add to all this a magnificent musical score, an unbelievable cast of A-1 actors and well-acted roles, and superb dialog and an amazing story (amazing screenplay, really!), you have what is now and will be always considered a classic of its kind. There may be a few superhero movies better in any one or two of these categories of film and storytelling. But no other superhero movie is superior overall or in more than two categories, in my opinion. The movie also has the perfect mix of drama, pathos, sadness, humor, action, romance, and inspiration. It should have won movie of the year at the Oscars, and several other awards. The movie is iconoclastic and inimitable. It makes you feel good inside to experience it and watch it. It inspires people not only to feel good but to do good. And this makes it a work of art and of everlasting redeeming value. Like the persona of its titled hero, it made and makes the world a better place. So this superhero movie is still the most super of them all!
it's the simple, earth-bound quality of the film that makes this comic-book fantasy soar.
The movie Superman (1978) located the fictional U.S. town where the baby Kal-El was found and raised by Jonathan and Martha Kent in the state of Kansas. This tradition has carried through into subsequent Superman comic-book stories, animation, and television series. Earlier comics however placed Smallville in the north-eastern United States, somewhere near the eastern seaboard. Also, some comics-related sources in the 1970s and &#39;80s placed Smallville in the state of Maryland. In the TV series Smallville, Smallville has been established as being located in the state of Kansas and also close enough to Metropolis that on clear days, one can view it in the distance. Metropolis is a fictional port city located somewhere on the eastern seaboard of the U.S. Where exactly varies depending on the source. The four superman movies made in 1978, 1980, 1983, and 1987 staring Christopher Reeve, do not specify its location, but based on the existence of various real-life landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty, it must be a stand-in for New York City. In the DC Universe, it is considered to be in New York State (which also is said to be geographically larger than its real-life counterpart). Some sources had previously placed Metropolis on the shore of Delaware Bay in the state of Delaware, across from Gotham City (from the Batman universe). However, this has been superseded by more recent continuity. In the latest Superman movie, Superman Returns, when Lex Luthor unveils his plan on a series of maps, Metropolis can be seen located on a Northeastern U.S. map exactly where New York City would be. (Also, on a side note, Long Island is not present at all.) In the TV series Smallville, Metropolis must be located either in Kansas, or close by in a neighboring state, as the show has established that (1) Smallville is in Kansas and that (2) Metropolis can be seen from town on clear days in the distance. At this point in Clark Kent&#39;s life, he has not yet fully developed, super-power wise. He has varying degrees of some of his powers, while others not at all, including the ability to fly. That is why he runs super fast home, instead of simply flying. The effect was achieved by dangling the actor just above the ground with wires, and having a fast moving rig pull him across the intended path. In some shots, it was clearly blue-screened though. Once he turned back time, he then had the time to stop Lex Luthor&#39;s guided missles, and in effect, prevented the earthquakes, etc. The controversy surrounding the time-reversal theme of the movie has been a discussion point since the film came out. Most viewers see it as a cheat, others see it as a ridiculous way for Superman to save Lois. Either way, Richard Donner has commented very little on his choice to include it. We have to assume that, although he turned back time to a point before the dam really breaking through (as is clearly seen being reversed), he did not take it back further than that, to before the explosion (crucially, we do not see that being reversed). Presumably, he is only prepared to defy Jor-El&#39;s warnings to a certain extent, otherwise why not reverse the whole thing and save all those killed in the nuclear blast and quake, messing seriously with &quot;Earth history&quot;? So, he simply had a little bit more time, which he used to save Jimmy a bit earlier (it is clear that he still did so and deposited him on the road, because Jimmy says so when he arrives at the car at the end) and also to deal with the damaged dam, perhaps not needing to stop the deluge because this time he has enough time to repair the damage before it bursts completely. He also somehow prevents the crack that reaches Lois&#39; car, though she has still experienced the quake/aftershocks and the exploding gas station (she says as much). And of course, Luthor&#39;s huge crime has still taken place and so he must go to jail and for trial. She asks him about this during their interview: &quot;Is it true that you can see through anything?&quot; He then states specifically that he can see through anything but lead (when she steps out from behind the lead plant box she has on her terrace, he says &quot;pink&quot;, giving an answer to her question about what color underwear she&#39;d had on). Lois is primed with a lot of questions, though we are not privy as to how she knows to ask this one. Also, the printed article Lex Luthor et al. read the next day, &quot;I spent the night with Superman&quot;, contains details about him that we do not see Lois and Superman discussing. So, we must simply assume that various rumors and facts had leaked out prior to the interview, during Superman&#39;s first few appearances, somehow (we do see him talking to Jor-El about his having been &quot;showing off&quot; and now being &quot;revealed to the world&quot;) and a lot more putting the record straight must have taken place off-camera, while Lois is interviewing (flying with) Superman. In the original Superman comic book universe, it is safe to assume some, if not all, characters have trouble coming to this conclusion. In real life, although it is possible for a person to recognize Clark Kent, or Superman vice versa, there are numerous people who found they could conceal their identity from at least strangers with a single facial detail like Harold Lloyd (who was an inspiration for Clark Kent) with his glasses or Charlie Chaplin and Groucho Marx with their artificial mustaches. This was probably left out for plot reasons, and to allow a longer running series.<br/><br/>If the comic book series bordered too close to real life, with rational and smart characters, Superman would never have survived this long. His identity would have been deduced very early, and his closest friends and relatives would have been systematically killed. In the modern comics, the disguise has been supported by the fact that the public does not know that Superman have a secret identity since he does not wear a mask, suggesting he has nothing to hide. Furthermore, he has had the help of shapeshifters like the Martian Manhunter who have posed as Clark Kent with Superman in public appearances to make it seem obvious they are two separate people.<br/><br/>More than the glasses, the Clark Kent disguise consists of a completely different personality. Christopher Reeve was chosen, in part, because of his ability to play two completely different characters. Kal-el takes Jor-el&#39;s advice that his secret identity is absolutely necessary to heart and develops the Clark Kent persona in order to keep humans from over-relying on Superman and to protect those he loves. Clark Kent is a bumbling, &quot;mild-mannered reporter&quot;, easily dismissed by Lois and everyone else; Superman is confident and charismatic with a witty sense of humor. Lois even considers the possibility that they are one and the same and then, considering Clark&#39;s personality, dismisses the notion as ridiculous. The skill of Reeve in portraying the identities is demonstrated in this film when Clark is tempted to confess in Lois&#39; apartment; the sight of him simply taking off his glasses, straightening his back and speaking with unexpected timbre has a convincing effect of suggesting another person. In the year 2000, the Director&#39;s Cut of Superman was released. Most of the new material are smaller sequences with plot extensions, but there are two bigger sequences added as well. The first one shows Superman in the Fortress of Solitude, talking to his father Jor-El about the advantage of his supernatural powers. The second one shows Luthor trying to stop Superman by the use of heavy arms, fire and ice. The 4-Disc Special Edition is a Must Have for each fan of this film because it&#39;s the only DVD release including the Director&#39;s Cut and the theatrical cut as well. a5c7b9f00b

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