Download Cold Comfort Full Movie In Hindi Dubbed In Mp4

Download Cold Comfort Full Movie In Hindi Dubbed In Mp4


Download Cold Comfort Full Movie In Hindi Dubbed In Mp4

Batman and Batgirl hunt Mr. Freeze who is on a destructively nihilistic campaign.
You know, I firmly believe that when the creators of Batman the Animated Series were possessed by whatever unholy spirits that compelled them to fix what was never broken and completely alter the animation style of the show for the hideously worse, ripping the soul out of it in the process, no character got more f****d-over than Mr.Freeze. Well for a start this episode should have never happened, as it totally disregards and invalidates the noble end to the character's story arc at the end of the for me, disappointing Sub Zero movie. You remember, the scene that saw Victor shedding tears of happiness at his wife Nora's complete recovery, and his acceptance of the fact that he was no longer the man she loved, and that they could never again have the life they once had together, and so he headed off into the frozen wastes, alone as ever, but warmed by the thought of his beloved living her own life again... And then the show came back for another season, and they decided that they wanted a new Mr.Freeze episode, and it was called "Cold Comfort." And I even strongly disliked this one as a kid, there are certain elements in it that I'll get to that are so ridiculous I couldn't believe what I was seeing, or that the idiots behind it would have allowed things to slide so completely from the bittersweet poetic magic and awe that was "Heart of Ice." And now thanks to this particular fun medium toy, I am finally in a position to enact my written revenge, and.."Revenge is a dish, best served cold!" You'd think if they were going to bring back a character that once had one of the greatest villainous motivations of all time, then they could have done a little better than: He is now a colossal dick! Look at what they did to Freeze here, they completely stripped him of his pride and meaning and reduced him to the level of a common bully who kicks over million dollar sandcastles to make little old people cry out of petty spite. So why should I be at all compelled to care or be sympathetic to his plight now? I don't! I feel no sympathy for this poorly designed, snarling caricature of what's supposed to be a great anti-villain who destroys people's 'hope' just so they can feel the same pain he feels. And what the hell was that with him having a little troop of fur-clad mini-skirted bimbos working for him? Freeze works alone, Freeze *is* all the loneliness and bitter anger and fear of being left alone in the cold incarnate... That was like something out of that horrendous mess of a movie. It's pathetic. And oh god, the spider-head.. In my opinion it's simply laughable and doesn't even come close to working for a second. It's like I'm watching Futurama! And that's the whole point of the story, Freeze lost his body and now faces the nightmarish existence of being a horrific freakshow of a living head, and that's supposed to give him a free ticket to divulge in arbitrary dickory! I mean yes, Freeze was always unfeeling, cold and vindictive, but he was never this crazy! None of it adds up, how is he all that worse-off than he was before? In my eyes, this episode didn't get a single thing right, and while I perhaps should be grateful that it at least kept the character going after his story arc was essentially resolved, his new story felt lazy, desperate and empty from start to finish. And when all's said and done, it only really serves as a reminder that Freeze, as awesome and complex a villain as he could be, regretfully kind of needed Nora to motivate him as a foe for Batman, or his story would probably be a mere waste of time. Easily one of the most horribly misguided animated Batman episodes ever, and extremely stupid. God damn you Cold Comfort. You get the cold shoulder and everything else!
Yep, this is the episode that everyone loves to rip apart because Mr. Freeze is just a head. Is that a ridiculous concept, yes, I'll agree with that, but need I remind you that this is a series where a man got turned into a clay-like humanoid creature that can transform into other people and objects. Now sure, your suspension of disbelief has to be pretty high to not think that Freeze's whole body dissolved except for his head which is totally able to function despite missing 99% of his organs. But whatever, it's just one scene that only effects the episode's climax, it's not that bad. Also, I now know where "Batman: SubZero" plays into the DCAU, I always thought it was just a side story. It might be messed up that Nora didn't take him back after all he did for her, but I guess that was just an excuse to use Freeze as a villain again. This story might be pretty weak, and have some weird moments to it, but I wouldn't call it bad. I think the action makes up for it's other shortcomings. I can name 14 episodes of "Batman: The Animated Series" that are 10 times worse than this.


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