Don't panic - the truth about bird flu, H5N1, vaccination and AIDS

Don't panic - the truth about bird flu, H5N1, vaccination and AIDS

translated by Corona Investigative

Comment from the translator:

This interview with Dr. Stefan Lanka was conducted with Faktuell editorial office on 27.10.2005. They talked about the 2004 avian flu, the science fraud in virology and HIV. At that time Dr. Stefan Lanka still used the term virus for the harmless and non-disease-causing phage he isolated from the sea according to the guidelines of virology (Koch's Postualte). Today Dr. Stefan Lanka rejects the term virus according to the current state of knowledge, since the term virus is defined as a disease-causing toxin. Such pathogenic structures have never been observed in science until today and Dr. Lanka was already aware of this at that time. He talks about this discovery. Even today this interview is up to date and very worth reading. See also other articles from Dr. Stefan Lanka on this Blog.

Faktuell: Dr Lanka, are we in Germany threatened by avian flu?

Stefan Lanka: Only indirectly. Next year there will be far fewer babies in Germany. According to the media, all storks will be killed by bird flu. We should prepare ourselves for this now.

Faktuell: Are you serious about this?

Stefan Lanka: As serious as there is any threat to us from the alleged H5N1 avian influenza virus. The danger or disaster lies elsewhere.

Faktuell: Where do you see the danger or the disaster?

Stefan Lanka: We have become accustomed not to use our minds, and that is the real danger or disaster. Politicians and the media take it upon themselves to make us believe anything, for example, that migratory birds in Asia have been infected with a very dangerous, deadly virus.

These terminally ill birds then fly for weeks on end. They fly thousands of kilometres, then infect chickens, geese and other poultry with which they have had no contact in Romania, Turkey, Greece and elsewhere, and they fall ill and die within a very short time.

But the migratory birds do not fall ill and die, but continue to fly thousands of kilometres, for weeks on end. Those who believe this also believe that the babies are brought by the stork. In fact, the majority of people in Germany believe that they are at risk from bird flu.

Faktuell: Does this mean that there is no bird flu at all?

Stefan Lanka: Since the end of the 19th century, diseases have been observed in poultry in factory farming: Blue colouration of the ridge, decrease in laying performance, dull plumage and sometimes these animals die. These diseases have been called bird-pest. In today's mass poultry farming, especially when chickens are kept in cages, many animals die every day as a result of unfamiliar animal husbandry. Later, these consequences of mass animal husbandry were no longer called bird-pest, but avian flu. For decades, we have seen that a transmissible virus has been claimed as the cause of this, in order to divert attention from the actual causes.

Faktuell: Then the 100 million chickens that apparently died of bird flu have in reality died from stress and/or lack and poisoning?

Stefan Lanka: No! If one chicken lays fewer eggs or gets a blue comb and the chicken is then also tested H5N1 positive, then all other chickens will be gassed. This is how the 100 million chickens apparently killed by H5N1 came about. 

If you look more closely, you can see a decades-old strategy behind it: In the West, large farms are using it to restructure themselves, because the animals that have died of the "epidemic" are reimbursed at the upper market price at the expense of the general public, while in Asia and wherever poultry is successfully kept, the poultry market there is deliberately and deliberately destroyed under the guidance of the UN organisation FAO.

All major Western poultry farmers are therefore keeping quiet and ensuring through their vets that if the market price for poultry falls, they will be diagnosed with a disease and will have to dispose of their animals at a higher profit than is possible under normal management, at the maximum price guaranteed by the government, all at once.

In a nutshell, it is modern subsidy fraud with paralysing fear production, which also guarantees that nobody asks for proof.

Faktuell: What killed the 61 people who were found to have H5N1?

Stefan Lanka: There are very few publicly available reports describing what symptoms they had and how they were treated. These cases are clear: people with cold symptoms who were unlucky enough to fall into the hands of H5N1 hunters were killed with insane amounts of chemotherapy designed to inhibit the phantom virus. Isolated in a plastic tent, surrounded by lunatics in space suits, died in panic fear of multiple organ failure.

Faktuell: Does this avian flu virus therefore not exist at all?

Stefan Lanka: No structures have ever been seen or detected in humans, blood or other body fluids, animals or plants that could be described as avian or influenza viruses or any virus claimed to be a pathogen. The causes of diseases claimed to be caused by a virus, including those in animals, which can occur rapidly, consecutively or simultaneously in several individuals, have been known for a long time. What is more, there is simply no place in biology for viruses as the cause of disease, even with the best will in the world. Only if I stubbornly ignore the findings of Dr. Hamer's New Medicine, according to which shock events are the cause of many diseases, the findings of chemistry about the effects of poisoning and deficiency, and if I stubbornly ignore findings of physics about the effects of radiation, then there is room for fantasies like disease-causing viruses. 

Faktuell: So why do people still claim that there are disease-causing viruses?

Stefan Lanka: Conventional medicine needs the paralysing, stupid and destructive fear of pathogenic phantom viruses as the central basis of its existence:

Firstly, to harm people en masse through vaccination, to build up a clientele of chronically sick and ailing objects that will do anything to them.

Secondly, to avoid admitting to themselves that they are totally failing in the treatment of chronic diseases and that they have killed and continue to kill more people than all wars have made possible so far. Every orthodox medical practitioner is aware of this, but very few dare to talk about it. So it is no wonder that the suicide rate among orthodox doctors is the highest by a large margin compared to other professional groups.

Thirdly, orthodox medical practitioners need the paralysing and stupefying fear of devilish viruses to hide the fact that the early medieval origin of the white guild as a quite openly lying instrument of exclusion, killing and torture of the Inquisition, i.e. of the couping Western Roman army, was transformed into the Vatican.

Orthodox medicine was and is the mainstay of all dictatorships and governments that refuse to submit to written law, constitutions, human rights, i.e. the democratically legitimised social contract. This also explains why orthodox medicine can and may do everything and is not subject to any kind of control. If we do not overcome this, we will all perish from this orthodox medicine.

Faktuell: Aren't you exaggerating a bit?

Stefan Lanka: Unfortunately not! Everyone who opens their eyes will see it that way. Ivan Illich warned against this as early as 1975 in his analysis "The Expropriation of Health". This book is still available today under the title: The Nemesis of Medicine. Goethe described the state of orthodox medicine very aptly in Faust I and lets the doctor Dr. Faustus admit it:

"Here was the medicine, the patients died and no one asked who took it, so we raved with infernal latwerge, in these valleys, these mountains, far worse than the plague, I myself gave the poison to thousands, they withered away, I must experience that the cheeky murderers are praised."

Goethe calls conventional doctors who give latwerge, i.e. poisonous substances, cheeky murderers, who are still praised today. Here I may and must also refer to our publications, because we were the first to ask modern medicine the crucial question and to document and comment on the confessions. All relevant information can be found at and

Faktuell: How did you of all people come across this millennium fraud?

Stefan Lanka: I studied molecular biology. During my studies I detected the first virus in the sea, in a seaweed. In accordance with scientific standards, this virus was first published in a scientific publication in 1990. The virus I detected multiplies in the algae, can leave the algae and multiply again in other algae of this species without any negative effect, and this virus is not related to any disease.

For example, one litre of seawater contains over 100 million different viruses. Fortunately, the health authorities and doctors have not yet noticed this, otherwise there would have long been a law that only allows bathing in the sea in a full-body condom. Biological structures, on the other hand, which are supposed to do something negative, have never been seen. The basis of biological life is togetherness, is symbiosis, and there is no place for war and destruction. War and destruction in biological life is an attribution of sick and criminal brains.

During my studies, I and others have nowhere been able to find proof of the existence of disease-causing viruses. Later, we made this public and asked people not to believe us either, but to check for themselves if there are disease-causing viruses. This led to the klein-klein-aktion, which asked the health authorities for evidence for more than 5 years and finally got the admission and assurance that there is no proof of pathogenic viruses and no proof of any benefit from vaccination. In order to publish these results unaltered, we founded the klein-klein-verlag three years ago.

Faktuell: What viruses are there and what do they do? 

Stefan Lanka: Structures that can be called viruses have been found in many types of bacteria and in simple life forms that are still similar to bacteria. They are independent elements of the coexistence of different cells in a common cell type. This is called a symbiosis, an endosymbiosis, which has arisen in the process of the merging of different cell types and structures, from which the present cell type, from which humans, animals and plants are made, has emerged. Like the bacteria in all our cells that give us oxygen, the mitochondria or the bacteria in all plants that produce oxygen, the chloroplasts, viruses are components of cells.

Very importantly, viruses are components of very simple organisms, such as filamentous algae, a certain type of unicellular chlorella algae and a great many bacteria. There, these viral components are called phages. In more complex organisms, especially humans, or in animals and plants, such structures, which could be called viruses, have never been seen before.

Unlike the bacteria in our cells, the mitochondria, or the bacteria in every plant, the chloroplasts, which cannot leave the common cell because they depend on the metabolism of the common cell, viruses can leave the cells because they do not perform any vital tasks within the cell.

Viruses are therefore components of the cell that have given their entire metabolism to the common cell and can therefore leave the cell. They help other cells outside the common cell by transferring building and energy substance. Something else has never been observed.

The actual, scientifically proven viruses have a helping, supporting and not at all destructive function within the highly complex process of the cells.

Even in the case of diseases, no structure that could be called a virus has ever been seen or isolated in the sick organism or in a body fluid. The claim of the existence of any disease-causing virus is a transparent fraud, a fatal lie with dramatic consequences.

Faktuell: Surely you are not suggesting that even the dangerous AIDS virus is only virtual?

Stefan Lanka: Not only do I claim that the so-called AIDS virus "HIV" has never been scientifically proven, but that it can only be proven by consensus.

The Federal Minister of Health, Ulla Schmidt, wrote to Rudolf Kraus, Member of the Bundestag, on 5 January 2004: "It goes without saying that the human immunodeficiency virus - in the international scientific consensus - is considered scientifically proven."

Today, after years of citizens repeatedly asking the Federal Health Authorities about the scientific evidence of the alleged pathogenic viruses, the Federal Health Authorities no longer claim that any virus claimed to be a pathogen has been directly detected.

In a pending petition procedure before the German Bundestag, the Federal Ministry of Health shifted all responsibility to the Federal Ministry of Research. The Federal Ministry of Research now takes the absurd position that the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of science forbids the state to verify the claims of science.

Faktuell: This is absurd. It would mean that the state would leave us helpless and defenceless in the hands of an uncontrolled science that can do whatever it wants. Do you really think that the state is handing us over to such a thing?

Stefan Lanka: I do not have an opinion here. I can only see and name the facts here. In the current bird flu panic, we are witnessing how the state, against its better judgment, is handing the population over to people disguised as scientists.

Compulsory chemotherapy is planned and in spring the entire German population will be forcibly vaccinated twice against the alleged bird flu phantom.

However, no avian influenza virus has ever been detected, nor has any virus been detected that has been linked to any disease. Such viruses do not exist. They are, as the Minister admitted about the alleged AIDS virus, based on an international scientific consensus, proven to exist.

Faktuell: But the avian influenza virus H5N1, which is dangerous for humans, was detected in detail in an English laboratory in the last few days!

Stefan Lanka: If a virus has ever been detected from a specific body or fluid, for example from birds, then any mediocre scientist in a mediocre laboratory can check within a day whether this virus is present, for example, in a dead animal. But this has never happened and indirect, completely meaningless testing methods are used.

In reality, the claimed anti-bodies are soluble blood proteins that play a central role in sealing growing and dividing cells and in wound healing. These blood proteins, also known as globulins, bind to other proteins in the test tube at will with the appropriate concentration of acids and bases, minerals and solvents. This means that any sample from an animal or human can be tested positively or negatively. It is pure, and this must be said quite clearly, criminal arbitrariness.

Even if it is claimed that by means of a biochemical propagation technique called polymerase chain reaction (PCR) the so-called genetic material of the virus has been propagated and thus detected, this is a fraud because, firstly, there is no genetic material of a pathogenic virus anywhere that could be compared to the artificially propagated particles of genetic material and, secondly, only particles of genetic material that were previously present in the fluids used to indirectly detect the alleged virus are propagated.

But it is quite simple: A thousand indirect proofs, like crop circles for example, do not make an Ufo either.

You don't even have to speak English to read the publications the virus scammers refer to to see for yourself that there is no virus anywhere in them: If sometimes these scientists ask for proof of the existence of the alleged viruses, e.g. the H5N1, you only get excuses and never a concrete answer. 

On television we heard time and again that the tests were carried out in an English laboratory. The name of this English laboratory has not been revealed to the public. It is the EU reference laboratory for avian influenza in Weybridge. I have asked the scientists several times about the evidence for the existence of the H5N1 virus. They only replied once and never again after that, writing that they did not understand my question.

I have also written several times to the World Health Organisation and in particular to the coordinator of the avian influenza pandemic, the German, Klaus Stöhr, asking for evidence of the existence of the avian influenza virus. Neither the WHO nor Klaus Stoehr has reacted.

Faktuell: But what does this H5N1 mean, before which the whole world is now trembling?

Stefan Lanka: The "H" in H5N1 stands for hemagglutinin, the "N" stands for neuraminidase.

Pseudo-virologists claim that the envelope of influenza viruses contains proteins of the haemagglutinin type and proteins of the neuramidase enzyme type. In biochemistry, haemagglutinin refers to a wide variety of substances, not just proteins that clump together red blood cells.

Pseudo-virologists have agreed that there are 15 different types of protein with the property of haemagglutinin in the envelope of influenza viruses. The "5" here stands for type five of a claimed protein, which in turn is only indirectly detected. 

In order to detect an influenza virus, red blood cells are mixed in the laboratory with samples containing the alleged virus. When the red blood cells clump together, it is claimed that haemagglutinin in an influenza virus must be the cause, without a virus ever having been isolated from, or even seen in, a sample or mixture. 

From the way the clump is formed, it is then concluded, just as the seers in Asterix and Obelix did, what type of haemagglutinin is supposed to be involved. These scientists have a wide range of tests available to them, the design of which ensures that the type of haemagglutinin displayed is exactly the type of haemagglutinin that the "testing" scientist previously suspected.

The same is true of the enzyme neuramidase, which is claimed to be part of the envelope of influenza viruses. Here the pseudo-virologists claim 9 different types.

In reality, neuramidase is an enzyme that, by splitting off parts of an amino sugar called neuraminic acid, regulates the surface tension that is crucial for the functioning of the respective metabolism. Analogous to the "viral" haemagglutinin, there are a number of commercially available test methods that "detect" exactly the result, i.e. the type of neuramidase that the "seeing" virologist previously suspected.

So it is no wonder that the turkey of 73-year-old farmer Dimitris Kominaris from the East Aegean island of Inousses, which appears to have died of H5N1, has disappeared without a trace. The reference laboratory in question has not received a sample from Greece, but the clairvoyant media have reported that an initial sample has confirmed the suspicion. 

Indeed, no sample is needed to detect H5N1, because, as with all alleged diseases, this is a planned action to create fear for political reasons. 

Faktuell: Photos of avian flu and influenza viruses are constantly being shown in the media. Some of these photos show round shapes. Are these not viruses?

Stefan Lanka: No!

Firstly, the round structures that are supposed to be flu viruses are recognisable to any molecular biologist, artificially produced particles of fat and protein.

The layman can check this by asking for a scientific publication in which these images are illustrated, described and their composition documented. There is no such publication.

Secondly, the pictures that show avian influenza viruses should be clearly recognisable to any biologist as normal cell components or even show whole cells that are currently being exported or imported. The layman can easily check this again by asking for the underlying publications from which these photos were taken: He will never receive such publications. The guild of fear-mongers does not like to reveal its business basis, the fraud with laboratory and animal experiments. If you ask the picture agencies and the dpa where they get their photos from, they refer to the Pentagon's American CDC. This CDC is also the source of the only photo of the alleged H5N1. 

This photo shows the longitudinal and at the same time the cross-section of tubes in cells that are made to die in the test tube. These tubes are called microtubules and are used for transport and communication in the cell and during cell division.

Faktuell: However, it has been shown that H5N1 kills chicken embryos and can be cultivated in eggs. Where is the dog buried here?

Stefan Lanka: These experiments have been used for over 100 years to "prove" the existence of very different "viruses", including the alleged smallpox virus. This involves injecting extracts into the embryo through the egg shell. Depending on how much is injected and where the apparently "virus-infected" extract is injected into the embryo, the embryo dies more or less quickly. It would die in the same way if the extracts were sterilised beforehand.

This killing is presented by these virologists as direct proof of, firstly, the existence of the virus in question, secondly, proof of the virus' ability to multiply and, thirdly, and at the same time, proof of the virus' isolation.

Various vaccines are then produced from chicken embryos killed in this way, which die quietly in their millions every year at the vaccine manufacturers. In addition to chicken embryos, cells in the test tube are also killed in order to hand over the death of these cells as proof of the existence, reproduction and isolation of a disease-causing virus.

Nowhere, however, is a virus isolated from it, photographed under an electron microscope and its constituent parts shown in procedures called electrophoresis. 

Faktuell: But what kills the animals in the animal experiment if it is not the H5N1?

Stefan Lanka: Again, you only have to look at the publications in which these animal experiments are described. Chickens are slowly suffocated within three days by the administration of liquid, through the tube into the trachea. Temperature transmitters are implanted into the abdomen of small Java monkeys 30 days before the alleged infection, 5 days before the alleged infection they are fixed in a vacuum chamber and during the so-called infection these young animals, 8 shot glasses of liquid extrapolated to humans, are pressed through the tube into the trachea. Proportions of the same extract from dying, i.e. rotting cells, are injected into both eyes and into the tonsils of the animals. The animals are repeatedly suffocated by rinsing their bronchi, etc. The resulting damage and destruction is output as the result of H5N1.

I have informed former Consumer Protection Minister Künast and current Minister Trittin, who claim to be animal welfare activists, about this through their personal speakers. There was no reaction.

Faktuell: However, the Spanish flu virus has been genetically reconstructed and has also been found to be an avian flu virus!

Stefan Lanka: What has been genetically reconstructed, so to speak, is nothing more than a model of the genetic material of an influenza virus. An influenza virus has never been isolated. A genetic substance of an influenza virus has never been isolated either. All that has been done is to multiply genetic material using the biochemical propagation method "polymerase chain reaction". With this method it is also possible to multiply any new, never before existing, short pieces of genetic material.

This technique also makes it possible to manipulate the genetic fingerprint, i.e. to test someone identical or different to a "found" sample. Only if a lot of genetic material is found that needs to be compared does the genetic fingerprint, provided it is performed properly, give a certain probability of a match. Dr. Jeffery Taubenberger, who is the author of the 1918 pandemic virus reconstruction claim, works for the US Army and has spent more than 10 years working to produce short pieces of genetic material based on samples from different human cadavers, using the biochemical replication technique PCR. From the large number of pieces produced, he selected those that came closest to the model of genetic material to the idea of a flu virus and published them. 

However, no virus has been seen or detected in any cadaver, nor has a piece of genetic material been isolated from it. Using the PCR technique, pieces of genetic material were produced from nowhere that had not previously been detected in it.

Had viruses been present, they and their genetic material could have been isolated, rather than laboriously producing a patchwork of a model of the genetic substance of the idea of a flu virus by means of the PCR technique, with clear fraudulent intent.

Faktuell: How can the layperson check this?

Stefan Lanka: About these short pieces, which are not complete in the sense of genetics and which do not even meet the definition of a gene, it is claimed that together they would make up the entire genetic material of an influenza virus.

To see through this deception, one only needs to be able to add up the published lengths to see that the sum of the lengths of the individual pieces, which together should give the whole viral genetic material of the claimed influenza virus, does not give the length of the idea of the genome of the influenza virus model.

It is even easier to ask in which publication an electron microscopic photo of this apparently reconstructed virus can be found. There is no such publication.

Faktuell: It is claimed that experiments have shown that this reconstructed 1918 virus would kill very effectively. What should be wrong with this?

Stefan Lanka: If I inject a chicken embryo with a mixture of artificially produced pieces of genetic material and proteins right into the heart, it will die faster than if I inject the embryo only peripherally.

When I expose cells in the test tube to a mixture of man-made fragments of genetic material and proteins, they die faster than under the standard conditions of dying cells in the test tube, which is "normally" used as proof of existence, proof of isolation and proof that the claimed viruses have reproduced.

Based on this artificially generated genetic material, which is output as viral, models of proteins are created in the computer. From these protein models, the computer reconstructs the appearance of the whole virus. That is all, but the whole world believes that it is possible to reconstruct viruses in the laboratory. So it is not surprising that, according to statements by the CIA and the British secret service M16, it is claimed that in North Korea the communist regime is now producing even deadlier flu viruses than the H5N1.

Faktuell: What conclusions do you draw from this?

Stefan Lanka: Since the head of the alleged al-Qaeda, Bin Laden, has not been found, al-Qaeda in Arabic is only called "the way", and since nothing was heard of this organisation before the hot sanitation of the collapsing New York skyscrapers, nor have any means of mass destruction been found in Saddam, such as the alleged smallpox viruses that were the reason for the second Iraq war, and since deadly viruses are now once again being claimed, it should be clear who the terrorists are in reality and who the suicide bombers are in reality: All those who are involved in the virus panic and are participating in it!

The pandemic plans provide for the possible breakdown of supply and public order in the event of the WHO declaring a pandemic of avian influenza. The estimates of up to 100 million deaths should be taken seriously.

I see a threat to all residents of old people's homes, who will be the first, and besides small children, the most vulnerable and defenceless victims, if chaos breaks out and the supply systems and thus public order collapse. It would be hard to imagine if the epidemicists were to declare the emergency as early as winter.

Faktuell: Does the drug Tamiflu, which is now bought and stockpiled with taxpayers' money, protect people from bird flu?

Stefan Lanka: Nobody claims that this drug protects against flu. Tamiflu is supposed to act as a neuramidase inhibitor. It inhibits the function of the sugar neuraminic acid in the organism, which is also responsible for the surface tension of the cells.

The side effects of Tamiflu mentioned on the package insert are almost identical to the symptoms of a severe flu. There is now a massive stockpile of drugs that cause exactly the same symptoms as those that occur in the actual case of a severe influenza - and with a doctor after seven days and without a doctor after one week - will subside. 

If Tamiflu is given to sick people, far more severe symptoms are to be expected, such as those associated with severe influenza. If the pandemic is declared in humans, many people will be taking this medicine at the same time. Then we will actually have the clear symptoms of a Tamiflu epidemic. Then we will also have Tamiflu deaths and this will be used as evidence of the danger of avian flu and of the great care the state is taking for people's health. 

This is where the tried and tested AIDS pattern takes place. In Spain, the package leaflets accompanying AIDS drugs say that it is not known whether the symptoms are caused by the drugs or by the virus.

Faktuell: Then you will not recommend general vaccination or the specially developed vaccination against avian flu?

Stefan Lanka: I do not recommend insanity.

Each vaccine contains toxins that work permanently with minor or more serious permanent damage. The Infection Protection Act requires the "is", the fact of a pathogen, e.g. a virus, as a justifiable condition to be fulfilled.

Because none of the so-called disease-causing viruses can and must be claimed to exist, there can be no legitimate vaccination against influenza, including avian influenza. Any vaccination carried out in Germany after the Infection Protection Act came into force on 1.1.2001 is a criminal offence of serious bodily injury. Of course, I do not recommend handing yourself over as a victim of crimes and offences. 

Faktuell: Who do you think is behind all the things we are currently experiencing here?

Stefan Lanka: One can only speculate. Of course, the pharmaceutical industry is pleased about the big business with the bird flu panic. But in fact, every single person is behind this madness. The situation is as it is. The situation could only get there because we, as citizens, have tolerated our state acting in such a way against the people, even though our state is formally a democratic constitutional state.

Anyone waiting for the pharmaceutical industry to change something for the good of the people here will wait in vain. Anyone who does not resist now will be living wrong. Anyone can ask the Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, the Federal Ministry of Health etc. for the scientific evidence justifying the bird flu panic. Anyone waiting for "the others" to do so should not be surprised if the others do nothing and the situation does not stay as it is but gets much worse. In the end, it is us citizens who are behind it, citizens who have spent years idly watching and tolerating all the madness around us. This is where we have to start taking social responsibility if we do not want to surrender and sacrifice ourselves to the total domination and chaos of an uncontrolled pseudo-science.

Faktuell: Do you think that science must be fought?

Stefan Lanka: The dominance of pseudo-science must be overcome by a public science determined by the obligation to truthfulness and by verifiability and comprehensibility.

The language of contemporary university medical science reveals that the focus here is on democratic rule under the rule of law, when orthodox doctors and the state invoke the "prevailing opinion in medical science" to which we also have to submit, and when this rule claims that babies are brought by the stork. But we have no reason to complain.

After all, we are the ones who tolerate this state behaviour. However, no one should be surprised if they continue to tolerate that we have to surrender to this government, as we are now doing with the absurdity of the bird flu allegations, when they wake up in the morning and realise with horror that they are dead: Killed by the government, which they have tolerated as citizens of a democratic constitutional state.

In a democratic constitutional state, the bird flu panic would be just as impossible as AIDS and vaccination. We citizens must make the rule of law a reality. Then not only AIDS, but also pseudo-science and avian flu will have no chance. All I can say is: don't give bird flu a chance! Do not believe what you are being lied to! Check it out! Use your intellect!

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