Don T Look At My Dick

Don T Look At My Dick


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I was wondering about how girls 'look' at a guys penis.

How and when do you look at a guy's penis? I mean, once you are introduced to a new guy, do you take a look at his bulge as part of checking him out??

Or only when you feel a guy is sexy...or maybe when there is a romantic interest??

Or do you always look at all guys junk all the time??

And how do you do it without guys even noticing it?? When a guy looks at a girl's breasts, he is usually caught looking and he is obvious, but how do girls stare without getting caught??

And after you look down there, how does that influence how you judge the guy??

What difference does it make?

Hopefully you can share some experience too...

And if a guy wishes to post a reply (and he is welcome to do so), how does he know when a girl takes a look at his penis???

Thanks for your replies in advance...!
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Sure do. I didn't until I hit puberty, but then I caught myself checking the fellahs. Less so now that I have a man in residence and regular sex, but even so I catch my eyes flickering down there for a sec, especially if he's attractive.
Ok so this answer is per what my wife said to the question. She said "Every chance I get!" But she says that refers to my manhood. She did say that if it's overly obvious like in a movie and a guy is wearing a banana hammock, then yes. But she loves to see mine when it's out. She's particularly fond of it when I have been soaking in a hot bath and I stand up. Cause of the dripping wet and plump aspect from soaking in the hot water. I usually catch her looking at it in a lost gaze way. But she loves it when I do the helicopter for her. Lol. She's awesome like that. But in turn, she does naked half assed jumping jacks so I can watch her love pillows bounce up and down. Goes both ways I guess.
Damn near every time my husband is naked.
Honestly I don’t care if you look at my dick when you walk by me or something like that so don’t be afraid to look because I actually take pride in it or take it as a compliment. My personal experience with this is I took my girlfriend to the movies when we were 14 and I was with my parents and me and my girlfriend have been dating for over 4 years so don’t think she’s a hoe. Well during the movie I had my hand on the inside of her thigh and she took my other hand and started gently rubbing the tip of her finger up my arm so it kinda turned me on. Well then my parents went to go get a drink and me and my girlfriend stayed in there and we were in the very back so there was nobody behind us. But when she turned me on I got a huge boner and my girlfriend was staring at it and I look at her and she winked at me and then I ask her what she was looking at in a joking way at she says this and she grabbed it and started pulling it closer to her and then she kissed me so don’t be afraid to look at a guys dick. And a question for girls is do girls care if guys grab or look at a girls boobs if so why and share your thoughts.
@Anonymous50RTR10: Message me you thoughts about guys staring, looking and grabbing your boobs. Also tell me what you think about how dicks look and feel to you and what you think is the average size dick for a man.
I don't make a habit of looking at penises, penis', penii?

I will look if it seems bigger than the average bear (this will tell how old you and I are) and.....possibly if I'm sitting and you're walking towards me and there's no where else for my eyes to fall I AM going to look.

Women are also aware of the term 'showers and growers' so it doesn't matter much till you meet it in person.
I wouldn't do it intentionally, unless, as Fallen Angel said, I happened to notice it was very visible. Then, like exposed breasts, it would be difficult not to look.

I enjoy sex very much, but I find other areas of the male body more of a turn-on when clothed.
Hi the answer is simple it is in body language women get away with out looking because they have very good peri feral vision and men us, we get caught because we have good long range vision. So we have to look at the woman up and down a woman deos not at a man she can see the lot while talking to him. Gary
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