Do You Want Sex With Me

Do You Want Sex With Me


Voilà la question que pose cette jeune femme à plusieurs inconnus, chaqu'un a un avis différent, entre l'étonnement, le harcèlement,... enfin il y a quand même 50% des hommes qui lui répondent oui.

A la fin il y a un bonus avec d'autre passant, mais aussi ce qui se passe quand un homme demande aux passantes si elles ont envie de lui.

/!\ Attention vidéo en anglais, même si il y a pas beaucoup de chose à comprendre...
J'ai regardé la version c'est l'homme qui propose. Sur 100 femmes 100 ont dit non.

Il faut croire qu'on a un point de vue différent sur la chose.
notre société baigne dans la promiscuité sexuelle.
Oui, ou bien les femmes n'ont soit pas le sens de l'humour, ou joue un rôle pour faire croire qu'elle ne sont pas le genre de fille à coucher avec n'importe qui ^^

Enfin une femme c'est d'un compliqué
La fille est sexy, je ne suis pas certain de quelle aurait été ma réponse...

Et puis les résultats ne sont pas surprenant. L'homme est physiologiquement fait pour distribuer ses gamètes un max et partout, alors que la femme doit trier parmi ses prétendants pour choisir le meilleur. Elle peut pas balancer ses ovules à droite à gauche.
No SCHWEPPES :! What did you expect ?

Leviatan a écrit:
La fille est sexy, je ne suis pas certain de quelle aurait été ma réponse...

Adriano_ a écrit:
No SCHWEPPES :! What did you expect ?
Ce n'est pas parce qu’on dit oui que l'on est pas prudent.
Oui je présume qu'ils ont tous une capote avec eux
J'aurai dit oui mais pas chez elle je pense. Sinon les mec on du être déçu à la fin, j'imagine même pas xD.

La vidéo du gars est marrante !

ZeNairolf a écrit:
Oui je présume qu'ils ont tous une capote avec eux :)
C'est sadique une femme. C'est connard la nature.

ZeNairolf a écrit:
Oui je présume qu'ils ont tous une capote avec eux :)

ZeNairolf a écrit:
enfin il y a quand même 50% des hommes qui lui répondent oui.

Ou de mecs pas trop cons qui se doutent bien que ça pue l'arnaque...
Dans le doute vaut mieux se faire avoir que de rater une baise.

ZeNairolf a écrit:
enfin il y a quand même 50% des hommes qui lui répondent oui.

Vault_Man a écrit:
Dans le doute vaut mieux se faire avoir que de rater une baise. :-D

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5 easy signs that tell you she wants to have sex with you, NOW!
If a man learns to understand these hints, he won't need to complain about his woman not initiating sex anymore, because he has all the info he needs
One would think that when a couple has been together for a while, they will be attune to each other's feelings and mood. This is not always the case as most guys still report that they are not usually clear about when their partners want sex.
Women are less likely than men to out rightly initiate sex with their partners, but to compensate, they are very well versed in the art of giving subtle hints. If a man learns to understand these hints, he won't need to complain about his woman not initiating sex anymore, because he has all the info he needs.
Here are five major signs she is turned on and wants sex
If your woman, at home, is normally dressed in casual outfit and you suddenly come home one day to see her dressed really nice, it might be a sign. It does not have to mean she goes all out and dresses in lingerie (although she could), but if you notice something subtle like she lets her hair out, wears a nice simple dress instead of her usual pajamas, have a little bit of make up on, or even spray some perfume, it is usually her way of getting your attention, and this is also her way of asking you to show her some loving. You might ask her what brought about this change, and she might shrug it off because she does want to seem to crass, asking for sex straight up. Do not just ignore this. Make a move.
She might not jump your bones every time she is horny, but women are usually a little touchy-freely in a not-so-obvious way when they feel aroused. She might touch you more often than normal. She might even be more daring by reaching and stroking you in your inner thighs, neck and so on
In a relationship, it is not every day that your partner will be in the mood to do all of your favourite things, so pay attention when she does. You can come home to find that she made your favourite food, bought your favourite brand of wine, have a warm bath waiting, etc. If this is not something she does all the time, this is probably her way of telling you she needs some 'special' attention tonight.
A dead giveaway that she is thinking about sex is when she casually mentioned, at any point during a conversation, how long it's been since you had sex. Women do not normally bring up something like this just for fun. It is a way of stirring the conversation to what she really needs from you.
Okay, you have to be really observant to notice this, but when a woman is in the mood for sex, there is an added sway to her hips. Men usually miss this because they are so used to their partners that they do not even notice them anymore. But the oldest and most popular way women get the attention of men is in the sway of the hips. This almost always draws the attention of men. Sometimes, she might not even know she is doing it, but her body will naturally move sensually when she is horny. So whenever you notice your woman walking back and forth in your view and her hips and ass are swinging right, do not scold her for blocking the TV, grab her and give her the hot sex she craves.
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