Description for each filter

Description for each filter


Here is the list of available filters with descriptions for each.


  • Add Source Link
    Enables or disables sending a URL link to the entry before the message.
  • Filter by Likes (Premium)
    Allows you to specify the minimum number of likes that must collect the post for some time. Otherwise the entry will not be sent.
  • Add “Like” Button (Premium)
    Allows you to add to the message “likes” button. Press the filter to customize the display of buttons.
  • Messages formatting (for RSS)
    With this filter, you can configure how will look posts sent from the RSS.
  • Send posts with links / Send Tweets with links
    If you enable this filter, posts containing links will not be sent.
  • Stop words (Premium)
    In this filter you can specify words that should not be in the post. Such records will be skipped.
  • Key words (Premium)
    The filter acts back to the previous one. Specify words that must be in the record.
  • Add custom text (Premium)
    The filter allows you to add your own custom text to each message.
  • Silent Broadcast
    If you enable the filter, notifications for new messages will not be delivered.
  • Limit by photos (Premium)
    You can specify the maximum number of photographs per post. If there is more than specified, the entry will not be sent.
  • Remove “@...” from tags
    This filter removes the @logins from #hashtags.
  • Remove #tags
    This filter removes the #tags from Instagram or Twitter text.
  • Remove @logins
    This filter removes the @logins from Instagram or Twitter text.
  • Remove links
    This filter removes links from Twitter text.
  • Send title (for RSS)
    Turns on/off sending post title from RSS.
  • Send text (for RSS)
    Turns on/off sending post text from RSS.
  • Send link (for RSS)
    Turns on/off sending post URL from RSS.
  • Send reposts
    Enables/disables the sending of reposts.
  • Send text messages
    Enables/disables the sending of text entry.
  • One photo + text (for VK)
    This filter sends only one photo from VK post with the text.
  • Send audios (Premium)
    Enables/disables sending the audio.
  • Send GIF's (Premium)
    Enables/disables sending the GIF.
  • Links separately (for VK)
    If the attachments post has a link, it will be sent separately.
  • Send videos
    Enables/disables sending the videos.
  • Send photos
    Enables/disables the sending of photos.
  • Send posts with audios
    Turns on/off sending posts with audio.
  • Send posts with videos
    Turns on/off sending posts with video.
  • Send posts with photos
    Turns on/off sending posts with photos.
  • Submitted by users
    Enables/disables the sending of posts from members of the group.
  • Setup polls (Premium)
    Allows you to configure the sending of polls and additional text to them.

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