Decent into the Bull Pen

Decent into the Bull Pen


.." I grunted as I thrust, " let me have what I want, everything will be fine. Now let's break you in."

With another grunt I finally bottom out in her, the friction burning in the walls of her shocked cunt, spreading her wide with what feels to her like an unbelievable girth as she feels my balls resting against her ass. Terrified and still too stunned to speak, she whimpers. The hand over her mouth retreats, slapping her hard on the ass, and then commanded, " Now, just do as I say and everything will be fine. Milk me. Come on, squeeze me with that tight, sweet small cunt. I want to feel you working hard under me." She squirms, trying desperately to focus on the task, her mind blurry with fear in the darkness. The things I'm saying are horrifying, they are terrible, so ... wrong... so... dark. It feels like my dirty talk is breaking down her mind and turning her into the sex toy that she is. All that matters now is my pleasure, and part of her, the darker part, liked this. Another smack rattles her face this time, leaving a sting. I grunt. " You be good like I told you to."

Nodding, she bore down, remembering her kegel exercises, finally executing a few. " There you go," I said in an almost soothing voice, " that's it." I then punish her with another volley of thrusts, this time more violent, overpowering her lame efforts. She screams. My cock seems to swell and harden even more inside her, punishing her with its roughness. Whenever she flexes around me, the pleasure washes back in, and when she relaxes, it is replaced with pain; the exchange is horrifyingly delicious. She is horrified at herself, that at some level, she is enjoying this.

" Good Marcy," I grunted, leaning further on to the bed over her to drill her deeper, " You do that some more, just be quiet now, that's it. Unh." The thrusts now are deeper, harder, as both my hands roughly tilt her hips up towards me, opening her legs as wide as they will go. She whimpers, trying so hard to be quiet and fearing for her life. She knows she will do anything for me now, just to get away alive. She has to admit to herself that at one level, this barbaric rape feels incredibly good, her fantasy-come-true is even better, and darker, than she can ever have imagined. Then my thrusting stops; now I'm panting and leaning heavily against the bed, pinning her, buried deep in her and grinding slowly as if probing for extra space. There is none; she is straining to accommodate me, I feel easily thicker than the opening between her narrow hip bones. I use one rough hand to fully stroke and then stuff my cock into her as I enjoy the enormous pressure of her shocked cunt, still struggling to expel me.

I keep my hand in place, guiding my cock in and occasionally forcing a finger or two in alongside to stroke myself, coaxing frantic little cries from her as she writhes limply, legs spread eagle under me. Sensing her weakness, I hiss into her ear, " You can scream all you want to now Marcy, nobody can hear you out here. Just do what I tell you." My cock is now nudging against her cervix, driving her insane with fear and pleasure. At first she did scream, half pain, half pleasure, as fingers and cock swirls into her, probing and retreating. Then she fell silent, as she senses me gathering my energy. Both my rough hands came down on her breasts, crushing them with my weight as my cock strokes in and out of her at my own selfish tempo, with no regard for her pleasure or pain, and I let out satisfied grunts. She senses a long-overdue urgency in me as she forces fluttering kegels, desperate to please me and end this. An involuntary orgasm over takes her and her hips buck, my weight pressing even more down on her now, overwhelming her mostly naked body with my mostly clothed one. The rough edges of my jacket scraping her bare nipples, she sucks in the fresh air that came in over my shoulder.

The bed rocking steadily with my thrusts. She is slowly becoming use to my size. Every time she relaxes her cunt, however, I slap her right hip the way a cowboy would smack a slow horse, gruffly demanding, " You're going to ride this bull as long as it wants to go, so hold on tight. Yes, good Marcy, suck on it with your tight little cunt." She did her best to comply, although she is getting weak and sore as I ruthlessly plunder her, forcing her open every time she tries to contract around me. After what seems like an endless session, I stop short, laughing breathlessly. " You're starting to like it aren't you? That's my girl. You know you want that big fat cock buried inside you, splitting you in two, you know you want me to pound you until it hurts. You're going to want it even more soon. You'll see. You're learning." Her legs flail as her mind and body blur under this new layer of darkness. A hard hand slaps her on the inside of the thigh, pushing it back open, and I bark, " Just remember what I taught you. You give me what I want and you'll be just fine, you'll like it. Now tighten up again."

She can barely move, she struggles to please me once more as her ravaged cunt burns, only she lost the battle and this time my massive cock slips impossibly deeper into her; the pain is blinding, almost like it is in her bowels. She sobs hysterically. My hands scoop under her ass, pulling her halfway off the bed, she could only imagine what the room looked like. The angle changes and the pain subsides, as I start pumping into her again, my rough hands gripping her legs at the hip joint around me like vises. This time, it feels so good she finds herself wanting me to do this, wanting me to fuck her, wanting me deep and dark inside of her. Stretched under me, she feels at once pulled and pounded, open to my merciless fucking. There is a spot of burning pain, almost not a part of her any more. She is completely unable to move, given over to me, owned.

To her own horror, the darkness swept through her and she feels her own orgasm flush, this time drawing low oddly happy sobs from her beyond her control. She feels her own cum streaming down her ass in the cooler room air, now there is no way she can hide her pleasure. I will know, and somehow this made it worse, made her more disgusted with herself, made her more my slave. Then, I tense one last time and I finally, mercifully explode inside her, my hot liquid flowing deliciously deep into her whether she wants it or not. She hears me breathing out, not sighing in pleasure like a lover, but in quiet satisfaction like I'm pleasuring myself in that secret, dirty way. I mutter as I withdraw and lower her back on to the bed, " Next time, we'll really see what you're made of." As soon as I'd finished, I'm gone, the door of the room closed, and she is alone in the darkness again, lightly sobbing and shuddering with exquisite confusion, pain, and tingling pleasure. The darkness is now inside her and to her own horror, she realizes she is looking forward to my next visit.

Seems like hours passed, she slept fitfully, waking to the slightest noise outside the room's door. Every time, she feared and anticipated what would happen next, like she is rehearsing for it. She imagined the door opening again, her body being yanked into position, then my hands roughly forcing her to open to me, my cock plundering into her, my low voice coaching her through it. After a while, the nightmare became a dark fantasy. She found herself hoping for it, wanting him, wanting to be forced, filled, fucked senselessly. At some point, she knew it was dawn. The light seeping in through the window, the temperature of the air, the sounds outside, these all told her that daylight, and the unknown, had come. She hears footsteps passing back and forth past the room. She hears muffled voice. She flinches, dozed, awoke in a panic, then in a wet dream that replayed the day before. She could practically feel that violent cock churning inside her now, rough and mindless. The day dragged on, nothing happened, it began to feel like an eternity to her. She was starting to crave that dark, rough fuck, nothing else mattered. She was horrified with herself, yet unable to control the burning hunger in her cunt.

At what must have been twilight, she awoke with both terror and hope at the sound of my voice, now very close outside the room. She cannot make out whole sentences, only snippets of conversation, sounds, laughs. She over hears the word " wildcat," then something about " breaking her in." She is terrified, horrified, and at the same time, confused by her own eagerness. Part of her could hardly stand the anticipation. Finally, she feels a tug on her legs. The door opens, and now she can make out what I was saying. " So I'll have her again. She has a pretty little pussy." I saying into my phone. What happens next is almost an exact copy of the night before. I spread her legs wide but leaving her back on the bed, my rough hands forcing my thick cock into her, I grunted and thrust into her without mercy or pause. This time there is something different, something rushed about it.

As I lay on top of her, thrusting into her with a volley of thrusts, making the bed lurch against the wall, she senses that I'm rushing through it in order to get on to the next thing. She still came, she can't help it now. She'd been so aroused all day, just my breath against her neck, my hands under her ass, made her scream and buck underneath me, beg me for more, lifting her hips up to me to meet my thrusts. I finish more quickly this time, withdrawing from the bed out of breath and clearly pleased.

After a few minutes I'm already petting my cock, which she can barely see in the dim light. I caress her stomach with my other hand, watching her body as I lightly touch her. She uses her hands to prop herself upright, my arms reach in, sliding her on her ass closer to the edge of the bed, spreading her legs wider. She squeals at my touch, it is electrifying, she wants more. Sitting up now, she got a better view of me, my big body, and, as she suspected, massive cock. It is mostly hard now, resting on the mattress between them, easily nine inches long and as thick as her wrist. She knows how to play this, she knows I want a struggle. She yelps in fear, tries to scuttle back away from me, but my arm holds her firm as I chuckle, enjoying her fear. " Now you gotta play along or I'll have to tie you up? Wouldn't you rather I fuck you good instead of just hard?" Without waiting for an answer, my mouth is on hers, kissing her roughly, shoving my tongue into her mouth. She lets me, kissing me back, sucking hungrily on my tongue, and moaning. She feels my fingers sliding along her thigh, exploring her clit, cupping her cunt, and then slowly, surprisingly gently entering her. My fingers are smooth and thick, she loves how wet and soft she feels in my hands, so exposed and powerless. She pushes her pussy against my hand, suckling my tongue, moaning again. I pull my mouth away, licking my lips, eyeing her. My cock is now rock hard and throbbing, bobbing and almost nudging her tits. I cup her jaw with one hand as I draw her mouth down to my cock. I whisper to her, as if giving her some secret code.

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