Death Train Full Movie Download

Death Train Full Movie Download


Death Train Full Movie Download

A man is supposed to guard a shipment of diamonds being sent by rail. But a man robs the train and kills the men guarding the diamonds. The robbers derail the train and hope to get away with their crime. The robbers get caught in Mexico and are sent to prison by rail. The robbers take over the prison train they are on. Will these robbers get away with their crime or will the bodyguard kill all of the robbers and reclaim the train?
I am having trouble reading the other user comments and not laughing. This movie was obviously not meant to be taken seriously. It is a straight to video movie, what do you expect? There is action, comedy and fun. Brian Genesse is okay as the good guy but a little boring. Bentley Mitchum is over the top... Thank GOD! He is what makes you keep watching the movie. With out his grand performance, the movie may have put everyone to sleep. Jaime Anstead once again turns in a solid performance as Marina, the only one with a level head on the entire Train. Plus, she is just as beautiful as ever (Back lot murders)!. This movie is not to be taken so seriously, it is a fun B-movie and that is how it should be viewed. Otherwise, go re-rent Die Hard. This movie in truth is fun, silly, and entertaining... Lighten up scrooges... It's only a movie. Have fun, laugh, and be mindlessly entertained for 90 minutes.
Have not seen deathtrain in full myself just a clip but my fiancée has had the total misfortune of wasting 93 minutes of her life sat in shock in front of the TV in utter amazement of a film that sounds like it had a budget less than the small change you would find in a homeless mans pee stained pants!! cant wait to watch the movie, but seriously guys how could this film have been made without somebody on the crew not killing themselves or the rest of the crew as its enough to drive you insane just watching a three minuet trailer. talking of trailers must have been where they found most of the cast, drinking hooch wrapped in brown paper bags on the front porch of the local heroin addiction drop in centre. will add more comments when i have seen the infamous blockbusting deathtrain for myself!!


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