Deadliest Warrior Download Movies

Deadliest Warrior Download Movies


Deadliest Warrior Download Movies

Throughout history, there have been great warriors who have made their mark in battle, but how they could have matched up against each other is a mystery. This series endeavors to solve that mystery with various matchups of such warrior classes. With a systematic examination of their physical and cultural qualities, training and weapons, a field of experts strive to find the real facts of such warriors. When the research is compete, each episode ends with a simulated battle to see who is truly the deadliest warrior.
The great warriors of history are examined for fantasy combat simulations.
Deadliest Warrior turns out to be decent schlock entertainment, but like many good contemporary shows, turns out to be fairly informative. The notion that you could actually determine who is the deadliest warrior in history is silly, not because they compare warriors from completely different times who could&#39;ve never met anyway, but rather because the match-ups are all out of context -- Gladiator vs. Apache? C&#39;mon.<br/><br/>The show features a few regulars and then some guest warriors who specialize not only in knowledge of the particular warriors but who also are masters of the particular fighting styles and weapons of their particular historical warrior as well. The two different modern warrior groups usually trash-talk each other in goofy machismo fashion; I think they&#39;re being serious but it&#39;s good for a laugh.<br/><br/>Each show demonstrates the period weapons and their capability against fairly realistic human analogs. For instance, they smash in the head of a dummy with a tomahawk, and the dummy is a simulated skull with simulated brain matter surrounded by ballistics gel. When the skull flies apart, so does the brain matter; it&#39;s pretty graphic even though it&#39;s just a dummy. There are a few extremely impressive demonstrations of skill by the guest warriors, so that&#39;s cool to see.<br/><br/>The &quot;computer program&quot; they run at the end to determine who would win the most times out of 1000 appears to be some cheesy spreadsheet. I&#39;m sure there&#39;s more to it, but they offer zero in terms of methodology, adding to the goofiness. The final battle simulation at the very end is pretty cool though, and it nicely ties in all of the weapons that were tested in the lab.<br/><br/>In all, I gave this show a 7 because despite several cornball facets to it, it really is entertaining to watch, occasionally funny, pretty interesting and -- the best part -- informative. I watch it with my two middle-school sons and they love it, and the show always evokes some good discussions of martial history between us. Oh, and although I can find no indication of who the narrator is, it sounds exactly like David Wenham from 300.
This is a notorious show that came to the British publics attention with one episode that featured The Taliban versus the IRA . Many people thought it was some sort of urban myth but no - it&#39;s a real show and what the point of it is I have no idea because as history it fails and it often goes beyond even car crash TV style entertainment <br/><br/>The show revolves around a bunch of experts but they&#39;re not really experts . The Taliban/IRA episode features &quot; IRA descendant and historian &quot; Skoti Collins who if you look up his CV on this site will find that he&#39;s not a historian he is a professional actor . Maybe he&#39;s playing a historian ? Actually the show could do with a historian since it states &quot; The IRA lost the war of independence in 1920 &quot; Hmmm so how did the Irish Free State / Republic Of Ireland come in to being then ? We get to see reconstructions of IRA operations against the British army and you&#39;re left in no doubt that the provisional IRA seen here are no different from the IRA of the Anglo-Irish war of 1920 . The IRA wear a uniform and confine their campaign to military targets so there&#39;s no scenes of civilians being murdered because they&#39;re protestants or suspected informers . . Team Taliban are just as badly inaccurate since they&#39;re represented by an Afghan actor who supposedly fought the Soviets in his youth . I don&#39;t doubt Fahim Fazil did this . What I do doubt is that he qualifies as former Taliban because he&#39;s even described as &quot; Mujuhideen Freedom Fighter &quot; which you read even the most basic history book on Afghanistan you&#39;ll learn the Muj and the Talibs are two entirely separate organizations . Eventually in a scenario the IRA beat the Taliban in a battle that many people would find offensive if it wasn&#39;t so laugh out loud funny . Strangely in a later show the IRA are beaten by the Spetnatz . Can anyone notice a gap in logic to this ? If the Afghans beat the Soviets and the Afghans lost to the IRA what&#39;s the chances the IRA would lose to the Spetnatz ? <br/><br/>The other episodes are somewhat tame compared to this debacle . We see Braveheart vs Chaka Zulu with the two teams throwing insults like &quot; Your grass skirt won&#39;t save you Zulu &quot; and &quot; Ah&#39;m gonna have a Scottish barbecue &quot; along with dubious facts that &quot; The Scottish claymore was a long range weapon &quot; ! Long range as in five feet is a long way away ? We see the Waffen SS take on the Viet Cong . Strangely stringing up civilians with piano wire and shooting POWs don&#39;t feature too heavily in the information given for the SS . And there&#39;s a ridiculous anachronism saying that &quot; If you had fillings you weren&#39;t allowed to join the SS and had to show you were of Aryan stock . This is true when it was recruiting in the 1930s - not when it was fighting in the 1940s . In fact the Waffen SS happily recruited Slavs from the Balkans like the 13th and 14th Waffen SS divisions . Likewise the show describes the punji stick as deadly but there&#39;s no documented case of an American soldier being killed by a punji stick <br/><br/>My abiding opinion of this show is that it&#39;s like &quot; MYTHBUSTERS on acid &quot; Some dubious enjoyment might be had on seeing what the weapons can do but since the rest of the show doesn&#39;t care one ounce for any sort of research or accuracy how does the audience know that the stage explosions etc are in any way accurate . Certainly the show&#39;s major failing is that it&#39;s very , very poor history indeed and I would hate it if anyone watching it thought any information put out was worth listening to


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