DateCoin Token Airdrop

DateCoin Token Airdrop

📢 DateCoin launches Token Airdrop!

☑️ Invite your friends into our telegram-chat and get rewarded!

☑️ To receive a reward of 2 DTC tokens, join the DateCoin teleram-chat and invite 3 friends.

📝 AirDrop`s rules:

1. Invite your friends through the admin panel of our chat room.

2. All invited participants MUST be real people, not fakes.

3. All invited participants must remain in the community until the end of the ICO (May 30, 2018) and be active.

📝 Instructions:

▪️Go to the DateCoin chat

▪️Go to "Settings".

▪️Click Add Members.

▪️Enter the nickname of user you want to invite in.

▪️After inviting friends fill the form

Attention ❗️

All Token Airdrop participants will receive tokens on their ETH wallet after the end of the ICO.

You can see the list of AirDrop participants and specify their status in the table

❓ If you have any questions, please contact our manager @rishafine.

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