

Rawon ayam



Alternative investments are important for investors. Investors are constantly looking for funds for the growth of such investments. With more fraud on investment platforms, the need for security, compliance and transparency on these platforms has increased. However, many alternative investment funds are not transparent and are available only to wealthy investors. Transactions in these funds are also hidden and open to fraud. Industry is also characterized by inefficiency, and most transactions between investors and funds are still made on paper.

What is DarcMatter? 

DarcMatter is a fully decentralized platform for the alternative investment industry. Its goal is to ensure transparency, security and compliance with the requirements of the global industry. The platform uses NEM blockchain technology. Moving transactions to the block chain, DarcMatter hopes to increase efficiency and transparency in the investment industry of alternative investments.

This platform was established in 2014 and has existing enterprises that provide opportunities for cross-border investments. Some of its clients include Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan among other global institutions. DarcMattter allows investors and asset managers to access alternative asset classes of the fund. The platform has a user-friendly interface. He is in the process of developing a distributed accounting system based on the blockages, which will be used to eliminate inefficiencies. The platform will also allow investors and individuals to actively connect to what will end the existing international and geographical borders.

Possibilities of alternative use of cryptobjects DarcMatter:

  1. The use of NEM blockchain technology, which provides cross-border investment opportunities in the alternative investment industry

  2. Investors will be able to access the assets of the fund transparently and securely

  3. The platform allows tracking of documentation for journaling and multilateral consensus

  4. Additional classes of investments are distributed on the 
  5. DarcMatter Advantage platform:

  6. DarcMatter's global platform is already fully functional platform with more than 1,300 global investors. DarcMatter is also an award-winning platform that has won awards as the top Fintech platform in more than four countries.
  7. The platform in the growing industry The 
  8. industry of investment funds is growing, as investors are looking for alternative sources of investment. DarcMatter solves the problems of transparency and security in the industry. Now investors can adopt technological reform in this sector and get great benefits.
  9. Ability to provide additional functions 
  10. The DarcMatter platform can link P2P payments and corporate solutions to financial institutions, such as banks. The development team, which is part of this project, provides easy access to investment of alternative funds to investors, which allows them to make high profits on alternative investment sites.
  11. Transparency and security 
  12. Using the NEM chain-circuit allows for security and transparency on the DarcMatter platform. Investors will benefit from evidence of importance (POI), which allows you to check transactions and miners.

The DarcMatter (DMC) token is a utility token that will be used to complete and process intellectual contracts to unlock investment opportunities. Investors will be able to run master nodes that will help in the processing of transactions.

The sale of the token will take place on the 22nd of March this year. 50% of DMC coins will be available to the public for purchase.

Detailed information:

Website: https://dmc.darcmatter.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/darcmatterHQ

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DM_Coin

Whitepaper: https: // www. dropbox.com/sh/fbhm6pgmbp5ktn6/AACK1_QfUEdlmm46ob_2fyE-a?dl=0&preview=DMC_Whitepaper+ (v2.5) _EN.pdf 

ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2990067.0

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