DOCX X-Factor: Overtime by Peter David acquire eng value book ios

DOCX X-Factor: Overtime by Peter David acquire eng value book ios

DOCX X-Factor: Overtime by Peter David acquire eng value book ios

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Book description
My Brief Bookshelf Overview: 4-and-a-half-stars, amusing, emotional, exciting-premise, hell-of-a-ride, likable-or-deep-characters, mature, read, suspenseful-or-engaging[Note: The Layla Miller one-shot is intended to be read during the Messiah Complex crossover event, not here.]This is pretty much another volume of the same caliber as the previous one, and again is strongest during the first two issues. Still, considering the amount moving elements and characters involved, it was very impressive. Some very interesting things happen here, and everyone gets a chance to contribute in some way. The ending was surprisingly satisfying – though I know I should by now have learned to expect such from David – and ties up all lose ends I could think of.
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