DOCX Wicked Problems: Problems Worth Solving by Jon Kolko (Goodreads Author) touch ipad apple reader online

DOCX Wicked Problems: Problems Worth Solving by Jon Kolko (Goodreads Author) touch ipad apple reader online

DOCX Wicked Problems: Problems Worth Solving by Jon Kolko (Goodreads Author) touch ipad apple reader online

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Book description
It feels like our world is spinning out of control. We see poverty, disease, and destruction all around us, and as we search for ways to make sense of the chaos, we’re turning to new disciplines for answers and solutions. New, creative innovations are needed, and these new approaches demand different methods and different theories. This book is presented as a handbook for teaching and learning how to design for impact. In it, you’ll learn how to apply the process of design to large, wicked problems, and how to gain control over complexity by acting as a social entrepreneur. You’ll learn an argument for why design is a powerful agent of change, and you’ll read practical methods for engaging with large-scale social problems.
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