DOCX What Would Captain Kirk Do?: Intergalactic Wisdom from the Captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise (Star Trek) by Brandon T. Snider german online english format offline

DOCX What Would Captain Kirk Do?: Intergalactic Wisdom from the Captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise (Star Trek) by Brandon T. Snider german online english format offline

DOCX What Would Captain Kirk Do?: Intergalactic Wisdom from the Captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise (Star Trek) by Brandon T. Snider

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Book description
Nicely designed, big photographs with punchy typography on top. Some tips are very specific -- “Have patience when a hostile Kelvan transforms your colleagues into porous cuboctahedron solids.” -- and others are more general, as in “Boldly go, or don’t go at all.” It’s mosty tongue-in-cheek, especially if you know some Trek background or you recognize the image he’s chosen as accompaniment. Some things are more TOS tips than Kirk tips. But on the whole it’s actually kind of inspiring? Not expensive and a fun little book.
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