DOCX Visual Encounters - Messages and Signs by Ellen Marie Blend (Goodreads Author) page reader itunes read touch

DOCX Visual Encounters - Messages and Signs by Ellen Marie Blend (Goodreads Author) page reader itunes read touch

DOCX Visual Encounters - Messages and Signs by Ellen Marie Blend (Goodreads Author) page reader itunes read touch

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Book description
Ellen provides an amateur exploration into the unknown spiritual world, recognizing even the slightest of signs.She has tried to find others similar experiences in writing so as to make her own visualizations feel more valid; however, her only confirmation has been those who agree that spirits communicate symbolically.Ellen creates a mystique in her writing just by citing everyday life experiences. A love affair prevails, long after its existence, in her spiritual and communicative mind.With the encouragement of her counterpart, Ellen plods on, documenting her spiritual encounters. Happily ever after endings may be absent, as in real life, but happily in the hereafter is part of the continuum.
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