DOCX Venus in Boston and Other Tales of Nineteenth-Century City Life by George Thompson cheap eng flibusta read online

DOCX Venus in Boston and Other Tales of Nineteenth-Century City Life by George Thompson cheap eng flibusta read online

DOCX Venus in Boston and Other Tales of Nineteenth-Century City Life by George Thompson cheap eng flibusta read online

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Book description
This book reprints for the first time since the 1850s three short works by George Thompson (1823--c. 1873), one of antebellum Americas most successful and prolific authors of sensational fiction. Beginning in the 1840s, he wrote stories for sporting papers like Life in Boston and New York, edited the humorous New York weekly The Broadway Belle, and contributed regularly to the sexually explicit Venus Miscellany. He also published dozens of novels, most of which were set in Northeastern cities. His writing blends entertainment and social protest, combining commentary on such issues as urbanization, poverty, race, and class with some of the eras most shocking depictions of sex and violence. The three works in this volume offer a rich representative sample of Thompsons writing. The two novels-Venus in Boston and City Crimes--depict the American city as a place of dark mystery, bawdy humor, and near-universal corruption peopled with con artists and criminals of all kinds. In each novel, a complex narrative structure interweaves multiple stories of exploited labor, abuse of power, seduction, intrigue, and crime. Thompsons autobiography, My Life, presents the authors life in terms nearly as lively as his fiction. Thompsons zestful, unconventional writings fly in the face of the stereotypical view of Victorian America as strait-laced and sentimental.
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