DOCX Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power by Audre Lorde phone find ebook djvu download

DOCX Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power by Audre Lorde phone find ebook djvu download

DOCX Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power by Audre Lorde phone find ebook djvu download

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Book description
There are many kinds of power, used and unused, acknowledged or otherwise. Thus begins this powerful essay; Uses of the Erotic defines the power of the erotic, names the process by which women have been stripped of this power, and considers how women can reclaim it.Uses of the Erotic shines among Audre Lordes powerful legacy of speeches and essays, and has influenced feminist thinking for more than 15 years. The false dichotomies that Lorde debunks persist in our cultural imagination: the separation of the erotuc from the spiritual and political. Now, Kore Press brings this essay into stand-alone focus, reprinting it in a fine, handbound pamphlet illustrated with photographs by Tucson photographer Camille Bonzani. Designed by book artist Nancy Solomon, the essay is offset and letterpress printed in an edition of 1000.
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