DOCX Thoughts & Food--The Ultimate Diet: 7 Steps to Really Loving Yourself by Louise L. Hay francais ebook access online offline

DOCX Thoughts & Food--The Ultimate Diet: 7 Steps to Really Loving Yourself by Louise L. Hay francais ebook access online offline

DOCX Thoughts & Food--The Ultimate Diet: 7 Steps to Really Loving Yourself by Louise L. Hay francais ebook access online offline

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Book description
        For decades, best-selling author Louise Hay has transformed people’s lives and health by teaching them to let go of limiting beliefs and create the life of their dreams. Now in this tour de force, Louise teams up with her go-to natural health and nutrition experts, Ahlea Khadro and Heather Dane, to reveal the other side of her secret to health, happiness, and longevity: living a nutrient-rich life.        Unlike any health book you’ve ever read, this book transcends fads, trends, and dogma to bring you a simple yet profound system to heal your body, mind, and life that is as gentle as changing the way you think.        In this book, you will learn to take your health, your moods, your energy, and your life to the next level. You will tap into the secrets Louise has used for decades to supercharge the effectiveness of affirmations and bring your body back into alignment with your mind. You will discover what nutrition really means and how to cut through the confusion about which diets really work. You will learn to hear the stories your body is eager to reveal. You will uncover techniques for longevity, vitality, good moods, deep intuition, and for meeting your body’s unique healing needs at all stages of life.        At 88 years old, Louise has much wisdom to share about what it takes to live a long, happy, healthy life. We invite you to join us on a life-changing journey that will turn your life into your greatest love story.  
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