DOCX The World in Your Teacup by Lisa Boalt Richardson tablet mobile book djvu read

DOCX The World in Your Teacup by Lisa Boalt Richardson tablet mobile book djvu read

DOCX The World in Your Teacup by Lisa Boalt Richardson tablet mobile book djvu read

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Book description
A beautifully composed tea book which suffers a bit from authorial voice and a need for slightly stronger editing. Nicely organized with a bit of history, culture, tea preparation, and descriptive recipes for each of eight countries.Richardson does a credible job covering a short but diverse list of tea drinking countries, their history with tea, and the customs associated with tea today. No section was terribly in depth but would make a good introduction to someone just discovering the international reach of tea. (As an example, the American section gives a good overview of the revolutionary tea parties but makes no mention of the role of tea rooms in womens liberation movements.)Its a matter of personal taste but, to me, the authorial voice creeps in too much in this volume. Richardson often references her own opinions or experiences without truly adding to the larger point. The use of recipes from friends associated with each country was a nice touch for authenticity; however, this is carried too far in some instances, where she references her associates observations of local standards without any credentials to generalize these to the larger national culture.The recipes included in this book all sound delicious. Richardson helpfully provides a list of resources for finding less common ingredients at the back of the book, although it will take the reader some time to figure out that the asterisks in the text are meant to denote this (the book contains no indication). All of the photography is beautifully done. I might wish for captions but that is, again, a personal preference; most of the photographs are self explanatory.Altogether, a lovely book with great recipes and a light overview of tea preparation and customs in eight diverse countries. This would make a nice addition to a tea lovers existing collection or a gift for someone just venturing into the wider world of tea culture.
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