DOCX The Winter Prince by Cheryl Sawyer (Goodreads Author) download fb2

DOCX The Winter Prince by Cheryl Sawyer (Goodreads Author) download fb2

DOCX The Winter Prince by Cheryl Sawyer (Goodreads Author) download fb2

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Book description
A new novel of love and war set in 17th-century England-from the acclaimed author of The Code of Love. Praised for her lavish use of history...and vividly detailed settings,* Cheryl Sawyer sweeps readers back to 17th-century England at the time of the Civil War, where a royal duchess and a warrior prince fight to save a riven kingdom. Mary Villiers, Duchess of Richmond and Lennox, is a ravishing beauty raised as the adopted daughter of Charles I of England. In 1642 she is shocked to find herself opposed to her king when he decides to declare war on Parliament and therefore on his own people. Mary embarks on a dangerous quest to help save the throne of England for its rightful monarch, but first shell tangle with the kings charismatic nephew, Prince Rupert of the Rhine.
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