DOCX The Winners Brain: 8 Strategies Great Minds Use to Achieve Success by Jeff Brown audio txt doc flibusta free

DOCX The Winners Brain: 8 Strategies Great Minds Use to Achieve Success by Jeff Brown audio txt doc flibusta free

DOCX The Winners Brain: 8 Strategies Great Minds Use to Achieve Success by Jeff Brown audio txt doc flibusta free

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Book description
Ever wonder why some people seem blessed with success? In fact, everyone is capable of winning in life—you just need to develop the right brain for it.In The Winner’s Brain, Drs. Jeffrey Brown and Mark J. Fenske use cutting-edge neuroscience to identify the secrets of those who succeed no matter what—and demonstrate how little it has to do with IQ or upbringing. Through simple everyday practices, Brown and Fenske explain how to unlock the brain’s hidden potential, using:• Balance: Make emotions work in your favor• Bounce: Create a failure-resistant brain• Opportunity Radar: Spot hot prospects previously hidden by problems• Focus Laser: Lock into what’s important• Effort Accelerator: Cultivate the drive to winAlong the way, meet dozens of interesting people who possess “win factors” (like the inventor of Whac-A-Mole™) and glean fascinating information (like why you should never take a test while wearing red). Compulsively readable, The Winner’s Brain will not only give you an edge, but also motivate you to pursue your biggest dreams.
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