DOCX The Willful Princess and the Piebald Prince by Robin Hobb (Goodreads Author) wiki book find txt online

DOCX The Willful Princess and the Piebald Prince by Robin Hobb (Goodreads Author) wiki book find txt online

DOCX The Willful Princess and the Piebald Prince by Robin Hobb (Goodreads Author) wiki book find txt online

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Book description
One of the darkest legends in the Realm of the Elderlings recounts the tale of the so-called Piebald Prince, a Witted pretender to the throne unseated by the actions of brave nobles so that the Farseer line could continue untainted. Now the truth behind the story is revealed through the account of Felicity, a low-born companion of the Princess Caution at Buckkeep.With Felicity by her side, Caution grows into a headstrong Queen-in-Waiting. But when Caution gives birth to a bastard son who shares the piebald markings of his father s horse, Felicity is the one who raises him. And as the prince comes to power, political intrigue sparks dangerous whispers about the Wit that will change the kingdom forever...
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