DOCX The Wild Table: Seasonal Foraged Food and Recipes by Connie Green online doc portable kindle wiki

DOCX The Wild Table: Seasonal Foraged Food and Recipes by Connie Green online doc portable kindle wiki

DOCX The Wild Table: Seasonal Foraged Food and Recipes by Connie Green online doc portable kindle wiki

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Book description
A captivating cookbook by a renowned forager of wild edibles-with more than one hundred sumptuous recipes and full-color photographs. In the last decade, the celebration of organic foods, farmers markets, and artisanal producers has dovetailed with a renewed passion for wild delicacies. On the forefront of this movement is longtime huntress Connie Green, who sells her gathered goods across the country and to Napa Valleys finest chefs including Thomas Keller and Michael Mina. Taking readers into the woods and on the roadside, The Wild Table features more than forty wild mushrooms, plants, and berries- from prize morels and chanterelles to fennel, ramps, winter greens, huckleberries, and more. Grouped by season (including Indian Summer), the delectable recipes-from Hedgehog Mushroom and Carmelized Onion Tart and Bacon-Wrapped Duck Stuffed Morels, to homemade Mulberry Ice Cream- provide step-by-step cooking techniques, explain how to find and prepare each ingredient, and feature several signature dishes from noted chefs. Each section also features enchanting essays capturing the essence of each ingredient, along with stories of foraging in the natural world. The Wild Table is an invitation to the romantic, mysterious, and delicious world of exotic foraged food. With gorgeous photography throughout, this book will appeal to any serious gatherer, but it will also transport the armchair forager and bring to life the abundant flavors around us.Watch a Video
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