DOCX The Way of Ignorance and Other Essays by Wendell Berry link online francais access book

DOCX The Way of Ignorance and Other Essays by Wendell Berry link online francais access book

DOCX The Way of Ignorance and Other Essays by Wendell Berry link online francais access book

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Book description
The continuing war in Iraq, Hurricane Katrina, the political sniping engendered by the Supreme Court nominations, Terry Schiavo — contemporary American society is characterized by divisive anger, profound loss, and danger. Wendell Berry, one of the countrys foremost cultural critics, addresses the menace, responding with hope and intelligence in a series of essays that tackle the major questions of the day. Whose freedom are we considering when we speak of the “free market” or “free enterprise?” What is really involved in our National Security? What is the price of ownership without affection? Berry answers in prose that shuns abstraction for clarity, coherence, and passion, giving us essays that may be the finest of his long career.
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