DOCX The Take-out Menu Cookbook: How to Cook in the Foods You Love to Order Out by Meredith Deeds epub online reading

DOCX The Take-out Menu Cookbook: How to Cook in the Foods You Love to Order Out by Meredith Deeds epub online reading

DOCX The Take-out Menu Cookbook: How to Cook in the Foods You Love to Order Out by Meredith Deeds epub online reading

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Book description

Book description
You’ve got a serious hankerin’ for Kung Pao Chicken, but Wang’s House of Noodles is 35 minutes away, it’s overpriced, and well, it just plain stinks. Come to think of it, you haven’t found great, let alone decent, ethnic take-out for a while. What to do? How about cook it yourself? All you need is to open up The Take-Out Menu Cookbook and step confidently into the kitchen. . . .This first-of-its-kind cookbook features the top 200 take-out and carry-away dishes from the 12 most popular ethnic cuisines: French, Italian, Spanish, German, Chinese, Thai, Mexican, Middle Eastern/Moroccan, Indian, Eastern European/Jewish, Greek, and Japanese. Why buy a Chinese cookbook when all you want is authentic-tasting but healthier-than-take-out Kung Pao Shrimp, Spicy Potstickers, and Mu Shu Pork? By focusing on the most popular dishes from each cuisine, Meredith Deeds and Carla Snyder provide starving chefs with the tools at their disposal to create authentic, healthy, and delicious meals that will make staying home worthwhile! Even highly experienced cooks can be rattled by sushi or derailed by dim sum. But with the help of the authors, who have more than 20 years of experience as cooking instructors between them, there’s no need to worry! With their guidance, the unfamiliar territory of ethnic cuisine is easily maneuvered.
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