DOCX The Norton Shakespeare by William Shakespeare (Editor) tablet access book sale value

DOCX The Norton Shakespeare by William Shakespeare (Editor) tablet access book sale value

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Greenblatt does a freaking amazing job of putting this together. The intros provide a fantastic historical perspective going into reading each play, especially for the histories. Youll know the families of the play and why theyre beefing on each other before you go in. Youll know the real conversation Prince Hal and Bolingbroke had that formed the basis of Bolingbrokes death scene in 2 Henry IV. Youll know what Queen Elizabeth thought of Richard II (I am Richard, know you not that?), and youll read Macbeth anew in the context of the failed Guy Fox terrorist attack. As an actor when you deliver the line Two households both alike in dignity, youll be grounded in real perspective. This is the perfect companion for the University student who wants to know his or her Shakespeare better, and for the actor who wants to know what the audience already knew when they first saw these plays performed.In terms of studying the texts, Norton is the way to go. Arden is better for performing the text though, because of its concise footnotes, proper ellisions, and adherence to the folios. If youre serious about Shakespeare, get both. Norton and Arden are the way(s) to go.
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