DOCX The Mysterious Visitor by Julie Campbell txt ibooks

DOCX The Mysterious Visitor by Julie Campbell txt ibooks

DOCX The Mysterious Visitor by Julie Campbell txt ibooks

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Book description
I recently brought home an old box of books my mom had been storing in her basement, so Im working my way through some childhood treasures, including 4 Trixie Beldens. Im not sure what happened to the other 20-some volumes, because when I was about 9 or 10, I had the entire set. A comment on another online forum made me wonder - would they hold their charm? Could the adult me experience whatever it was I loved so much then, 30 years later?Of the four books I have re-read for review, this one has the quintessential Trixie Belden elements. Oh, not the mystery, who cares about the mystery? No, Trixie has a lot more than sleuthing to recommend her. She lives in rural beauty. Her family is modest and simple, yet happily their friends and neighbors are millionaires who have gorgeous horses that need exercise. She and her [millionaire:] friends have a secret club with its own language and red and white jackets. Did I mention the cute older guys who belong to the club? Oh, and there are good works. Of course there are good works. Plus, people keep rewarding them. A free clubhouse here, a free car there, a few free vacations . . . Total fantasy fulfillment. And yes, still kind of appealing all these years later. Damn it (or as the Bob Whites might say, Gleeps!) I still want Trixies life.
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