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DOCX The Masquerade by Brenda Joyce eReader online read pocket price

DOCX The Masquerade by Brenda Joyce eReader online read pocket price

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Book description
On the evening of her first masquerade, shy Elizabeth Anne Fitzgerald is stunned by Tyrell de Warennes whispered suggestion of a midnight rendezvous in the gardens. Lizzie has secretly worshiped the unattainable lord for years. When fortune takes a maddening turn, she is prevented from meeting Tyrell. But Lizzie cannot foresee that that night is only the beginning ... Tyrell de Warenne is shocked when, two years later, Lizzie arrives on his doorstep with a child she claims is his. He remembers her well --- and knows that he could not possible be the father. What is this game she is playing ... and why? Is Elizabeth Anne Fitzgerald a woman of experience, or the gentle innocent she seems? But neither scandal, deception nor pride can thwart a love too passionate to be denied ...
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