DOCX The Mammoth Book of Antarctic Journeys by Jon E. Lewis (Editor) fb2 price how to eReader book

DOCX The Mammoth Book of Antarctic Journeys by Jon E. Lewis (Editor) fb2 price how to eReader book

DOCX The Mammoth Book of Antarctic Journeys by Jon E. Lewis (Editor) fb2 price how to eReader book

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Book description
This collection of compelling eye-witness accounts showcases the very best writing on the Antarctic, from Ernest Shackleton on the loss of the Endurance to Lynne Cox on her epic, icy swim in 2002. Includes 35 first-hand accounts of men and women challenging one of the Earth’s last true wildernesses, encompassing both legendary tales of heroism and shocking contemporary accounts of the impact of global warming on the only undeveloped continent. About The Author: About The Author: Jon E. Lewis is a writer and anthologist whose previous titles include The Mammoth Book of Adventures on the Edge and The Mammoth Book of Polar Journeys. He lives in England.
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