DOCX The Major Works by Alexander Pope english book look reading eReader

DOCX The Major Works by Alexander Pope english book look reading eReader

DOCX The Major Works by Alexander Pope english book look reading eReader

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Book description
Alexander Pope has often been termed the first true professional poet in English, whose dealings with the book trade helped to produce the literary marketplace of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In this representative selection of Popes most important work, the texts are presented in chronological sequence so that the Moral Essays and Imitations of Horace are restored to their original position in his career. This edition represents the single most comprehensive anthology of Popes works. The Duncaid, The Rape of the Lock, and Imitations of Horace are presented in full, together with a characteristic sample of Popes prose, including satires, pamphlets, and periodical writing. This edition also includes a further reading list, an invaluable biographical index as well as indexes of titles, first lines, and correspondences.
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