DOCX The Little Bitty Bakery by Leslie Muir online doc portable kindle wiki

DOCX The Little Bitty Bakery by Leslie Muir online doc portable kindle wiki

DOCX The Little Bitty Bakery by Leslie Muir online doc portable kindle wiki

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Book description
At the Little Bitty Bakery, the pastry chef was beat-from her powdered sugar nose, to her flour dusted feet. When a pastry chef works straight through her birthday with no time to celebrate, some industrious mice decide to cook her up a scrumptious birthday surprise. Its a happy day, indeed, for the baker when she discovers their delicious secret!This perfect read aloud is enhanced by a glittered jacket, delicious recipes, and Caldecott Honoree Betsy Lewins timeless illustrations that bring a lovable cast of characters to life.
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