DOCX The Handbook of Nonprofit Governance by BOARDSOURCE (Creator) reader read page writer djvu

DOCX The Handbook of Nonprofit Governance by BOARDSOURCE (Creator) reader read page writer djvu

DOCX The Handbook of Nonprofit Governance by BOARDSOURCE (Creator) reader read page writer djvu

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Book description
THE HANDBOOK OF NONPROFIT GOVERNANCEFrom BoardSource comes The Handbook of Nonprofit Governance. This comprehensive resource explores the overarching question of governance within nonprofit organizations and addresses the roles, structures, and practices of an effective nonprofit.The Handbook of Nonprofit Governance covers the topics that are of most importance to those charged with creating and sustaining effective leadership, including building a board; succession planning; policies; financial oversight; fundraising; planning; strategic planning processes; risk management; and evaluation of the board, CEO, and organization.Praise for The Handbook of Nonprofit Governance-This is the first book Ive found that covers the topic of governance from A to Z. I know what Ill be assigning the students in my governance class as a textbook next semester!---TERRIE TEMKIN, founding principal, CoreStrategies for Nonprofits, Inc.-BoardSource has prepared an exceptional resource for nonprofit boards and leaders. This comprehensive volume offers timely and relevant information about board work and governance, including practical tools and resources that will be valuable to all types of nonprofits.---DAVID O. RENZ, chair, department of public affairs; Beth K. Smith/Missouri Chair in Nonprofit Leadership; and director, Midwest Center for Nonprofit Leadership; University of Missouri, Kansas City-If you are involved in nonprofit organizations, and if you ever have doubts about how they are best run, this is the book for you-and BoardSource is the place to turn.---FISHER HOWE, consultant, Lavender/Howe & Associates, and author, The Nonprofit Leadership TeamBoardSource (formerly the National Center for Nonprofit Boards) is the premier resource for practical information, tools and best practices, training, and leadership development for board members of nonprofit organizations worldwide.
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