DOCX The Great Bear Rainforest: Canadas Forgotten Coast by Ian McAllister epub kickass online francais how read

DOCX The Great Bear Rainforest: Canadas Forgotten Coast by Ian McAllister epub kickass online francais how read

DOCX The Great Bear Rainforest: Canadas Forgotten Coast by Ian McAllister epub kickass online francais how read

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Book description
ENTER THE GREAT BEAR RAINFORESTThe southern half of Canadas west coast is justly famous for its fabulous scenery and pitched battles to save remnants of its magnificent coniferous forest-but what about the northern half? Between Vancouver island and Alaska, the mainland BC coast winds through a 250-mile wonderland of forested islands and inlets every bit as enchanting as the southern half, but still very much as nature created it, a wonderfully complex and delicate rainforest masterpiece ten thousand years in the making. The area is one of the northern hemispheres richest unprotected wildlife habitats, the home of Canadas largest grizzly bears as well as the rare all-white spirit or Kermode bear.Ian and Karen McAllister, both environmental campaigners, have spent over ten years exploring, photographing and researching this once-forgotten coast. The book contains over 150 stunning colour photographs, including some of the most extraordinary images of wild bears ever seen in print, lush river valleys where grizzly bears feast on salmon, dramatic Coast Range mountaintops, exotic plants of the ancient rainforest, and some of the most magnificent coastline in Canada. With these photographs, a personable, informative commentary by Ian and Karen and environmental writer Cameron Young, and full-colour maps and drawings, this book is the first to unveil the beauty and magnificence of this unique place.Since 1990, fourteen large rainforest valleys on the mainland coast of British Columbia have been lost to industrial logging. The publication of The Great Bear Rainforest aided Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, Ian and Karen McAllisters Raincoast Preservation Society and other environmental groups successfully lobby BCs provincial government for a moratorium on grizzly-bear hunting and the protection of a large portion of the area as parkland in 2001.
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