DOCX The Elephant Tests by Matt Merritt selling mobile read italian txt

DOCX The Elephant Tests by Matt Merritt selling mobile read italian txt

DOCX The Elephant Tests by Matt Merritt selling mobile read italian txt

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Book description
I was intrigued to read this because Matt Merritt is a poet who is also a proper birdwatcher — as opposed to someone who occasionally puts an egret or a hummingbird into a poem. And I am also at least a dabbler in both birding and poetry.I never felt I managed to combine the two in a satisfactory way, personally; birds would inevitably crop up in my poems, in a metaphor or a bit of local colour, but I never felt able to write anything that did justice to my experience of watching them, or communicated what it was about birds that was important to me.So I was curious to see how someone else did it. And this book does indeed include poems about birds and birdwatching. So for example, The Capercaillie and Black-throated Diver, Lochindorb both capture something of bird behaviour, and of the experience of watching the birds; Svalbard (which you can read here) is a poem which successfully compares the overheard sound of a couple having sex to migrating Canada geese.But, not surprisingly, theres no particular trick to making birds into poems. The bird poems work in the same way poems normally do; my own mental block remains un-explained. My own neuroses aside, there are plenty of poems to like here, birdy and otherwise.
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