DOCX The Dragon Legion Collection by Deborah Cooke (Goodreads Author) without registering flibusta online no registration eng

DOCX The Dragon Legion Collection by Deborah Cooke (Goodreads Author) without registering flibusta online no registration eng

DOCX The Dragon Legion Collection by Deborah Cooke (Goodreads Author) without registering flibusta online no registration eng

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Book description
They will sacrifice anything to regain the loves theyve lost...When the Dragon Legion take custody of the darkfire crystal, Drake and his fellow dragon shifters fear that the sorcery trapped in the stone is bent on destroying them. In Kiss of Danger, Alexander defends his wife and son from a vicious killer who has followed him through time. In Kiss of Darkness, Damien enters the realm of the dead to fix an old mistake, but loses his shifting abilities. In Kiss of Destiny, Thad believes he can secure the future of all the dragon shifters known as the Pyr, if only he can win the heart of the elusive woman who sparks his firestorm. Will the darkfire demand all they have to give, or is the unpredictable magic giving these dragon warriors a second chance?This edition includes all three Dragon Legion novellas (Kiss of Danger, Kiss of Darkness and Kiss of Destiny), as well as an excerpt from Serpents Kiss (the next Dragonfire novel), a cast of continuing characters and Dragonfire glossary.
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