DOCX The Courtesan of Padua by Edward Charles download book value online kindle

DOCX The Courtesan of Padua by Edward Charles download book value online kindle

DOCX The Courtesan of Padua by Edward Charles download book value online kindle

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Book description
Padua, Republic of Venice, March 1558. Richard Stocker, a medical student at the University of Padua, and a leading member of The Sons of England, a small secret society, intent on seeing England return to the Protestant religion, is worried. While messages from England speak of Catholic Queen Mary being close to death, there are growing whispers that in her present state of delusion, Mary may finally be convinced that her sister, Elizabeth, is plotting against her, and will consent to her execution.Against this background, Richard receives a warning from his friend, Francis Walsingham; that members of the Venetian government may be plotting to prevent Elizabeth from succeeding her sister. All they need to do is to convince Queen Mary that Elizabeth is involved in a treasonable plot against her, and the Sons of England may be all the evidence they need. Walsingham’s advice is to disband immediately, but Richard is intent on going further; to find the people who are plotting against Princess Elizabeth, and somehow, to stop them.
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